Of character & emotions amid adversity! The tale of the sword, a - TopicsExpress


Of character & emotions amid adversity! The tale of the sword, a debate & a man... As everything in life, be it God/Nature or Man made, each sword has a purpose. Samurai needed more speed and agility in order to cut thus the light katanas, just as knights would use more power, with their bigger and heavier sword facing an armored foe, to break bones and kill less injuries would take care of death. The saber, made for the cavalry man, reflects this well, as intentioned to slash downwards on both sides specially while charging infantry. Imagine Conan with his size and power fighting w a katana or Kenshin w a knights sword. Both potential much reduced. Debatting on differing views is normal, yet doesnt justify lack of respect nor insensitivity. Lack of intelligence, facts and arguments can be helped along with perspectives. Yet it is rather disheartening to think that those who yesterday were the victims of hate by Nazis, would be so heartless towards the fate of Palestinians to even condone the murders of civilians, notably children, whose biggest crime is to be born at the wrong time and place. Debatting such indoctrinated ideologues becomes pointless as they seek not progress nor solutions but to spread their vitriolic rhetoric. When after giving a Zionist 2500 years of Jewish history, she stays silent at my challenge of 2500 years of Black history, it doesnt mean I am so smart but that someone would benefit fr less emotions and indoctrination but more reason & compassion with an open mind... but lol she is a Zionist! Abdallah Al-Bishi represents well the contradiction that is the Wahabi kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Western leaders walked 2 weeks ago for freedom & democracy (& wage wars in their names) in Paris, yet today line-up in Riyadh to bow and pay homage to the deceased Abdallah AlSaud and welcome KSAs new ruler, Salman AlSaud, in a land known to mock Western, or any, freedoms. The nature of interests always above values. Abdallah for his part is a devout Muslim and dedicated father & husband, whose family job involves an intimacy with the sword. His character and compassion showing along his professionalism. Odd it may seem, I totally approve of him and wish him good continuation. But if it offends U, remember the death penalty still exists in the USA, too many cops escape justice despite clear and evident murders (not just on Blacks) & the biggest criminals of this World are those in suits and ties in Western capitals signing arms & corporate deals, making choices killing countless innocents without a voice. P.S. To be called a racist scum bag by an angry prejudiced White male on a post about the beauty of Black women is... an amazing compliment I will enjoy for the rest of my life lol not to forget wishing me to get White pussy lmao he reminds me of the guy taking a sword to a gun fight: dumb pathetic fool! #CREAM #TTKNM #sword #debate #SaudiArabia #West #Blacks #beauty #CharlieHebdo
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 18:39:58 +0000

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