Of course. It’s always Israel’s fault. Israel could offer - TopicsExpress


Of course. It’s always Israel’s fault. Israel could offer every inch of land except for the Tel Aviv bus station and the talks would collapse and it would be at fault for not offering the bus station. Israeli leaders who thought that they would prove that it was Abbas’ fault by going along with the release of murderers every step of the way are right back to where they started. US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke before the Senate on Tuesday, where he blamed Israel for the breakdown of peace talks last week. Let’s sum up. Israel delays the release of a final group of terrorists, who shouldn’t have even been released because it’s completely inappropriate to demand preemptive concessions before an agreement, and then it’s at fault. And let’s not forget the “settlements” in Jerusalem, one of the oldest cities in the world. Meanwhile no amount of Muslim settlements creating “facts on the ground”, no amount of threats of violence and actual violence, no amount of violations of agreements by the Muslim terrorists are ever the issue. It’s always Israel’s fault. Kerry further blamed Israel for demanding recognition as the Jewish state. Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas brought talks to a standstill by adamantly refusing to recognize Israel as the Jewish state. “The government of the United States and the president supports the notion of Israel being defined as a Jewish state,” Kerry noted. “We believe that that should happen. But when it happens, and how it happens, has to be part of the negotiations. It’s not going to happen in the beginning.” So why are terrorist releases happening in the beginning? Because the terrorists get anything they want and Israel gets blamed the moment they aren’t happy. Kerry and Obama can take their ball and go home. There are so many other parts of the world they can screw up instead. Pivot to Asia, Ukraine, Syria or Mars. Israel, after two decades of concessions and countless dead, still isn’t “serious” enough for Kerry and Obama. Maybe they can find someone appropriately serious in Syria. But don’t worry, as on every other issue, Kerry was for Israel before he was against it. Back when he was running for president, he was talking in an entirely different way. John Kerry, he’ll say anything. Absolutely anything.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 19:18:47 +0000

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