Of course, we are against killing human beings, in France or - TopicsExpress


Of course, we are against killing human beings, in France or wherever it may be! But I will never support Charlie Folk as they had been cruel and impolite with the most valuable human being for Muslims, our PROPHET SAIDOUNA MOHAMED ALIHI SALATOU WA SALAM! +++ Please, read this and tell me if you still want to be Charlie! I am talking to Muslims! The prophet himself was aware that if people saw his face portrayed by people, they would soon start worshiping him, Ahmed says. So he himself spoke against such images, saying Im just a man. In November 2011, Charlie Hebdos office was burned down on the same day the magazine was due to release an issue with a cover that appeared to poke fun at Islamic law. The cover cartoon depicted a bearded and turbaned cartoon figure of the Prophet Mohammed, with a bubble saying, 100 lashes if youre not dying of laughter. In September 2012, as France was closing embassies in about 20 countries amid the global furor over the anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims, the magazine published an issue featuring a cartoon that appeared to depict a naked Mohammed, along with a cover that seemed to show Mohammed being pushed in a wheelchair by an Orthodox Jew. Charlie Hebdo journalist Laurent Leger defended the magazine at the time, saying the cartoons were not intended to provoke anger or violence. The aim is to laugh, Leger told BFMTV in 2012. We want to laugh at the extremists -- every extremist. They can be Muslim, Jewish, Catholic. Everyone can be religious, but extremist thoughts and acts we cannot accept. But for many Muslims, depictions of Mohammed, revered not only as a prophet but also as a moral exemplar, are no laughing matter.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 04:47:18 +0000

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