Of recent Pentecostal churches have been under fire from all - TopicsExpress


Of recent Pentecostal churches have been under fire from all directions, acused of a number of perceived wrongs. Some have acused them on the issue of tithes and offerings; others have accused the pentecostal churches of faking miracles. It needs to be noted that pentecostal churches believe in the following: laying of hands; speaking in tongues; miracles; tithes; repentance and salvation; healing; raising the dead; casting out of demons; the gospel of prosperity; resurrection, amongst others. ALL these activities are based on the word of God. They are scriptural. Lets take laying of hands for example. LAYING ON OF HANDS The laying on of hands is one of the most basic and fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. (Hebrews 6:1, 2) There is a definite impartation to be received through the laying on of hands. In Genesis 48:14, 17-19, a distinct transformation took place in the life and ministry of Joshua the son of Nun, after Moses had laid his hands upon him and given him authority over the people of God. Numbers 27:18-23: And the Lord unto Moses, ‘Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay thine hand upon him; and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation; and give him a charge in their sight. And thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient..... Deuteronomy 34:9 - And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom: for Moses had laid his hands upon him ... There must have been a visible manifestation of power evident in the laying on of hands in the early church, for even Simon the sorcerer recognised the reality of a power behind it. Acts 8:18- And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. Many occasions are given in scripture for the laying on of hands. PHYSICAL HEALING Matthew 8:2-4, 14, 15; 20:34 Mark 1:41; 6:5; 5:3; 7:32, 33; 8:23, 25; 16:18 Luke 4:40; 13:13; 22:50, 51 Acts 9:10-12, 17; 28:8 James 5:14 SPIRITUAL DELIVERANCE Luke 4:40, 41 Luke 13:11-13 THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT Acts 8:17-19; 9:12, 17; 19:6 THE IMPARTATION OF THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT 1 Timothy 4:14 2 Timothy 1:6 SEPARATION FOR SERVICE (MINISTRY) Numbers 8:10, 11; 27:18, 20, 23 Acts 6:5, 6 Acts 13:3 RAISING THE DEAD Matthew 9:18, 25 IMPARTATION OF SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY FOR LEADERSHIP Numbers 27:16-23 (The word here translated honour may correctly be rendered authority.) IMPARTATION OF SPRITUAL BLESSING Mark 10:13, 16 Matthew 19:13-15 VARIOUS MIRACLES Acts 5:12; 14:3 IMPARTATION OF STRENGTH Daniel 10:16-19 There is, however, great need for wisdom to be exercised in ministering through the laying on of hands. Hands should be laid upon those persons in whom is the Spirit. Numbers 27:18 Paul exhorted us to lay hands suddenly on no man- 1 Timothy 5:22
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 04:22:23 +0000

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