Of the 265 countries we trade with there are countries like - TopicsExpress


Of the 265 countries we trade with there are countries like Afghanistan. That are shown to have a plus for the U.S. in trade. Until you factor in they also count the military aid we “give” these countries somehow as a plus for us in these trade deals. When you add in the economic support we the Taxpayers also “give” countries like Afghanistan. You see what we really have is a money laundering system for the Private Sector. With all the “Free Trade” Deals made under various names covering everything tangible on earthy there is. You have to ask what’s up with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (T.P.P.). We already have trade deals with these very same countries under other “Free Trade” names. Personally I’m still of the belief Congress should have Never passed The Trade Act of 1974 Public Law 93-618 in 1/3/1975 or amended it with the (Trade Agreements Act) Public Law 96-39 in 7/26/1979. gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-88/pdf/STATUTE-88-Pg1978-2.pdf hdl.loc.gov/loc.uscongress/legislation.96hr4537 Or H.R. 3005, Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2001. That George W. Bush received Fast Track Trade Authority. Which I have Not as of yet read all 5,000 pages. But when looking through the Trade Bills he Negotiated already with these countries. I have seen where they have extended beyond the previous 10 year limit of the previous (Fast Track Authority). Then on top of that there’s H.R.3009 the Trade Act of 2002 & all these Amendments. hdl.loc.gov/loc.uscongress/legislation.107samdt3401 Nixon caused enough damage without (Fast Track Authority). Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush & George W. Bush with (Fast Track Authority) turned America into a Private Corporate (green) Blood Bank to enslave all. With the T.P.P. I’m still of the same belief, No president should have (Fast Track Authority). Even with Obama showing nothing But positive steps in trying to correct our Trade. I also haven’t found anything showing Obama being given (Fast Track Authority). As in the other times (Fast Track Authority) was given, it was noted as a Bill & became law. Thanks to Blake Usry who gave me a link, it seems to confirm the fact he doesn‘t. politico/story/2013/08/obama-trade-powers-bachmann-jones-delauro-95759.html But just as it’s been with all the other trade deals made in this “Secrecy“ under the Executive Branch & Not Congress who’s is suppose to be doing our Trade. We won’t know what’s in it till it’s to late.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:24:22 +0000

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