Of the five principles, ayni is the single most important concept - TopicsExpress


Of the five principles, ayni is the single most important concept of the Andean way. It is translated as reciprocity and means the interchange of lovingkindness, knowledge, and the fruits of one’s labor between individuals, between humans and the environment, and between humans and nature spirits. Reciprocity implies that one’s labor is shared: I will help you today, and tomorrow you might help me. The purpose of reciprocity is the maintenance of life. Ayni provides purpose for the first three principles. It makes them function, gives them structure, and holds them as the banks of a river contain the flow of water until it reaches the sea. In this way, ayni sustains and supports all of life. Ayni also implies respect for life. This is shown through acts of reciprocity. Respect is the key to understanding the Andean way. When we return the good that comes to us and show respect without judging the giver or what is received, it becomes benevolence in its highest form. In this way, munay and anyi are interconnected. Ayni is the central code of the Q’ero and the root principle of Andean values. Ayni is deeper than mutual respect and helping others, however. It implies the conscious and willing acknowledgment of the interconnection between humans and the natural world that sustains them. Traditionally, this takes the form of ritual offerings to Pachamama, the Apus (the mountain spirits), Awikuna (nature spirits), Qhaqya (the thunder spirit) in despacho ceremonies. shamanswell.org/shaman/ayni-way-reciprocity-most-important-principle-andean-people
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 23:33:59 +0000

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