Of the many dishonest, made-up stories manufactured by the - TopicsExpress


Of the many dishonest, made-up stories manufactured by the merchants of idiocy at Fox News, this is easily in the top 5. The objective evidence of any decline in the viability of Christmas is non-existent. I really like Christmas. I like the lights, the decorations, and the sentiment of human kindness celebrated during the holiday. One cannot walk through any downtown area in this country without seeing the festive decorations. Retails stores begin their displays earlier and earlier. This year, Christmas was on display before Halloween, and I dont mind at all. A war on Christmas would involve the arrest of priests or preachers, the shuttering of churches, the censorship of religious speech (all of which I would oppose vigorously.) There would be public statements of opposition to Christmas by important officials. None of that has ever happened here in this country. Yes, a parade in Kansas was renamed a holiday parade. Yes, some people say Happy Holidays, not Merry Christmas. There are at least two other holidays which coincide with Christmas. Public funds are not supposed to be spent on a particular religious holiday, because of the First Amendments prohibition against the establishment of religion by the government. These are not even blips on the screen. The Macys parade will be seen this year. Most businesses will close on December 25. The religious television channels will have sermons and carols, as they always do. The radio stations will play Christmas music 24-hours a day. And billions of dollars will be spent on gifts, food and spirits. The Christmas Carol will be reenacted in theaters all over the country, the Messiah will be performed by orchestras everywhere. People will don their gay apparel and hit the streets to sing to their neighbors. Churches will swell with church-goers who attend only once a year. It will be lovely. It will not be a war. - Beautifully said. I took this from a user named Jay (not me) in the comments section of the Forward Progressives website.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:12:21 +0000

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