Of the six mythic creatures of the psyche that I am exploring in - TopicsExpress


Of the six mythic creatures of the psyche that I am exploring in my upcoming Reflections seminar, the Wizard is by far the most enticing. What is it about Wizards that we find so fascinating? Even Julius Cesar was captivated by the wizardry of the Druids he encountered when he invaded Gaul. He noted in his writings how Druid wizards, holding wands made of oak wood, would summon the power of the trees to assist the warriors of the tribe before a battle. Cesar also took note that his soldiers often disappeared into the forests never to be found again - as if the forests consumed them. He was convinced their disappearance was due to acts of wizardry. The Wizard archetype has dwelled within us and around us for centuries. We are utterly enchanted by magic and by the power of spells and the thought of having the power to change one thing into another - just like that. Buying lotto tickets, for example, is a type of wizardry, an act that holds the potential to change ones economic status to something outrageous in the blink of an eye. Having good luck charms or wearing amulets or medals of protection serve as objects that contain a certain type of power that we assume compensates for something lacking in our psyche. That is, if we could generate luck psychically, who would need a charm? Wizardry comes into play in endless ways in our lives. We are especially susceptible to magic when it comes to relationships, money, power, and human trickery. We can be tricked into thinking something or someone is not what it appears to be and then, like the illusion it is, it disappears right in front of our eyes. At the same time, the inner Wizard in us can make us turn nothing into something - and make us wish we could attend Hogwarts to learn how to fly on a broomstick. Beyond this level of familiar Wizardry, this archetype is connected to the realm of spiritual alchemy - and thats where genuine acts of transformation occur. I am so looking forward to sharing this rich subject matter with all of you. We live in archetypal times, make no mistake about that. Weve shifted into the energy age or the age of the psyche and the intuitive. You are so much more than five senses and ordinary consciousness....so much more. Take time to get to know yourself better. myss/CMED/workshops/reflections/series-6.asp
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:12:27 +0000

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