Ofcourse you can have a future with him and marry him, etc... if - TopicsExpress


Ofcourse you can have a future with him and marry him, etc... if HE loves you. being darker,brunette,etc has nothing to do with it.His parents might not like it at first, but you have to understand their mindset. Indian parents dont think this is my sons wife they think this is my daughter in law. That means they have so many pre determined expectations of what they want- someone whowill follow indian customs, teach the religion to the children, stick through thick and thin with the hubby, do housework, not fight alot, etc... they are also used to making decisions for their children, becoz they had it made for them so feel they have a right to for their kids,so are bossy. they also have a lot of -ve sterotypes of american women. all this combined means they dont want their son marrying an american girl, but its not a personal thing against you. So you got to let them get to know you. If you are not too different to Indian girl on all the improtant things (have good character, commitment, have a decent career, family orientated, respect elders), then they might not have sucha problem with it.One of my friends got married to german girl, his parents didnt like it at first, but eventually accepted it, and now realise that she is a reallygood girl. so they are actually happy for them, and happy they got married. another one my friends, the parents wouldnt speak to them after marriage, but after the first kid came along, it was U-turn, and now they are just likeany other family and all good to each other. I mean how long can ppl keep a grudge? Everyone comes round eventually.Illl say one thine - marrying a european is FAR, FAR more acceptable in hindu/sikh cultures than marrying a muslim. and same with muslims against hindus and sikhs. so good luck.....INDIAN BOY AMERICAN GIRL LOVE STORY
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:45:13 +0000

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