Off to weigh in at Weight Watchers then meeting oldest - TopicsExpress


Off to weigh in at Weight Watchers then meeting oldest granddaughter Chelsea and her friend to have lunch. Yep, weigh in to see how much weight Ive lost and then celebrate by eating. LOLOL Anyway... I never turn down the invitations from my grandchildren or my kids. Doing research for the book Im writing. So this is how spot on my dreams are when I am GIVEN my stories. I knew nothing about the origin of the Rom... the people society calls Gypsies; neither modern day or in the past other than what Ive seen in movies. And then I have this dream, and I wake up and think wow... did NOT know that... and so Im doing research to verify some facts and make sure my dream didnt wind off onto a road that didnt belong... when lo and behold I start my research and there it is... just as true in their history as it was in my dream. Did you know that Hitler rounded them up with the Jews during World War II and sent them to concentration camps, too. According to all the data I could find, over a million and a half of them were murdered in the camps along with the Jews! So... now you have a hint as to the back story of the new self-pub Im writing; STORM OVER EDEN. I am forever grateful for the gift of Storyteller that God gave me. Yikes... time flew. Off to step on those scales and view the result of my wacky week of on and off diet. Whatever. When I dont eat right one meal, it doesnt matter. I just pick up where I left off at the next one and keep going... sort of like life. You can fall off the wagon. You can fall from grace. You can have a long way to fall, or fall short. But no matter the reason or how far it is when you hit bottom, all you have to do is stand up and start over.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:40:05 +0000

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