Office of Poofness 12-1-14… “Gimme Me Shelter!!!!” We - TopicsExpress


Office of Poofness 12-1-14… “Gimme Me Shelter!!!!” We shall keep all of this in the Light… at least I will. Feel free to join in. [Poof] “It does not hurt to remind all that nothing like this has ever happened before in all of earth’s many civilizations. That is how big this is; beyond the comprehension of most minds. [ZAP] “PIGS ARE GRUNTING HAPPILY AS TRANSFERS BEGIN TODAY TO VARIOUS DESTINATIONS. I WAITED UNTIL TODAY TO HAVE THIS CONFIRMATION TO WRITE ABOUT IT. “WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO ALL OF US? IT MEANS THAT THE RESET IS UNDERWAY, AND THEY ARE RELEASING A BIT OF FUNDS HERE AND THERE TO WHET THE WHISTLE. FULL BLOWN PROJECT FUNDINGS ARE NOT GOING TO HAPPEN UNTIL MIDDLE OF JANUARY “I DO NOT HAVE ANY FURTHER NEWS ON THE RV OR PPP, BUT I DO KNOW THAT SOME PRIVATE PLACEMENTS ARE BEGINNING TO PAY OUT THIS WEEK AND THE NEXT. THAT TOO WILL BE ANOTHER SIGN OF THE TIMES WE ARE IN… THE RV IS TO BE FORMALLY DONE IN 2015. THAT IS THE ONLY INFORMATION I HAVE ON THAT ONE. HAVING IT DONE BY DECEMBER 7 IS POSSIBLE, BUT WHETHER CONDITIONS WILL SUPPORT THIS SCHEDULE IS AN UNKNOWN, SO I CAN NOT SAY. WISH I COULD. “THE EUROPEAN ROYAL FAMILIES DATE BACK THOUSANDS OF YEARS. OVER TIME, THEY HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WARS, AND HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS. THESE DAYS, THEY, ALONG WITH OTHER ROYALS GLOBALLY, ARE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT HUMANITY. THEY ARE ALL WORKING IN TANDEM TO CREATE THE CIRCUMSTANCE FOR OUR HUMANITY TO PROSPER. “THE USA NOW HAS GOLD SUPPORTING THE TRN. THIS IS GOOD, THE USD IS NOW CONSIDERED TO BE BASEL III COMPLIANT… “WE ARE CLOSE. THE CLOSEST WE HAVE BEEN FOR DECADES. IT IS ALMOST HERE, AND I KNOW THIS AS A TRUE AND ACURATE STATEMENT.” Music and lyrics are posted after the message. ———————————————————– Greetings and Salutations: POOF SAID;.. “The times are a changing.. the winds blow across the continents with one word written on them: change. There are less givens today than there have been in many years. Givens such as who one can depend upon, who is stable, who is worthy of your respect and such ‘givens’ — yet from the perspective of the Long Wait which you’ve been under, the missives have all been written and the game plan is still under way. How many times the urge has been to say ‘It IS Over”!! Just as many times as any reader has read these lines of hope eager to see that it is here. Yet the life and times being lived will eventually prove out: that all of this was essential to the achieved ends yet to be revealed. It does not hurt to remind all that nothing like this has ever happened before in all of earth’s many civilizations. That is how big this is; beyond the comprehension of most minds. So, like you, the date is gathered, info, sift through the melee also want the last leak plugged, the last screw turned, the last signature requirement, the last insurance policy in place–if there be one. All sit on the same side of the table in other words. Hold on and hold out. It will be worth it”…..P… ZAP SAYS; HI ALL PIGS ARE GRUNTING HAPPILY AS TRANSFERS BEGIN TODAY TO VARIOUS DESTINATIONS. I WAITED UNTIL TODAY TO HAVE THIS CONFIRMATION TO WRITE ABOUT IT. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO ALL OF US? IT MEANS THAT THE RESET IS UNDERWAY, AND THEY ARE RELEASING A BIT OF FUNDS HERE AND THERE TO WHET THE WHISTLE. FULL BLOWN PROJECT FUNDINGS ARE NOT GOING TO HAPPEN UNTIL MIDDLE OF JANUARY, BUT IN THE MEANTIME, THERE WILL BE ENOUGH TO GET THE INFRASTRUCTURE DONE, AND READY TO RECEIVE AND IMPLEMENT. I DID RECEIVE SOME DOUMENTS FOR SIGNATURE THAT STATED “USD/TRN” IN ONE OF THE CLAUSES, AND THAT CONFIRMED (IN WRITING) THAT THE TRN IS INDEED LIVE ON THE SCREENS. AND THIS IS THE UNDERLAYING FOUNDATION OF THE PRELIMINARY RELEASES I SEE HAPPENING NOW. IT WILL STILL BE TOUGH TIMES FOR US HERE AS WE ARE ABOUT 10 DAYS OR LESS AWAY FROM OUR FIRST BITS OF FUNDS, BUT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, WE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH THESE LAST DAYS OF NOTHING TO FEED WITH. THE WEBSITE FOR THE PROJECT SIDE IS ALMOST COMPLETE THOUGH, AND WITH THE PROJECT FUNDS IN, IT WIL BE FORMALLY ANNOUNCED. I DO NOT HAVE ANY FURTHER NEWS ON THE RV OR PPP, BUT I DO KNOW THAT SOME PRIVATE PLACEMENTS ARE BEGINNING TO PAY OUT THIS WEEK AND THE NEXT. THAT TOO WILL BE ANOTHER SIGN OF THE TIMES WE ARE IN. Hello… I am new to this knowledge, but am desperate for it to happen!! I can fed up with humanity’s enslavement, and I just want to be FREE!! I noticed in today’s Mid-Week Report, I noticed some info about certain funding, coming from the European Royal Families. Which royal families were being spoken of? Are we to trust these families? It seems many of these “royals” are part of the problem that has kept humanity enslaved… (“WE ARE ALSO GETTING PREPARED AND WE WILL BE READY IN JANUARY FOR FULL FORMAL FUNDINGS. OUR INFRASTRUCTURE IS COMING ALONG NICELY, AND WE TOO ARE FUNDED BY GRAND FATHER FOR THESE ITEMS, BESIDES OUR OTHER FUNDINGS COMING FROM THE EFFORTS OF THE EUROPEAN ROYAL FAMILIES.”) Thank you for any light you can shed on this statement…. In love & light, JD THE EUROPEAN ROYAL FAMILIES DATE BACK THOUSANDS OF YEARS. OVER TIME, THEY HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WARS, AND HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS. THESE DAYS, THEY, ALONG WITH OTHER ROYALS GLOBALLY, ARE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT HUMANITY. THEY ARE ALL WORKING IN TANDEM TO CREATE THE CIRCUMSTANCE FOR OUR HUMANITY TO PROSPER. Zap & Susan, I have been following an increasing number of stories of late whose subject is about various countries repatriating ‘some of’ or ‘all of’ its gold reserves back from other countries. I interpret this as a ‘necessity’ for each and every country so that they can be Basil III compliant and to have their independent control of their “own” precious metal assets. (See for a number of current articles) CORRECT IN A LARGE PART. With the world moving to a new format of currency (asset-based / precious metal-based) I am sure that each country wants to, once again, “own their own” precious metals, especially since the corrupt banksters of the former ‘cabal owned & controlled’ fiat system of the past has shown the entire world it’s true colors. (Each country, by Doing this, will be able to prevent the cabal banksters from being able to steal these precious metals permanently from them.) CORRECT I see this also as a necessity in order to keep the cabal from being able to replenish their coffers with “Money that has ‘REAL’ Value” – not their fiat worthless paper that we were all duped into using in the past. Since Money (Wealth) equals Power and the new currency system will once again have a “Real Asset” with “Real Value” backing it, it will prevent the cabal from being able to increase their perceived “Net Worth” by simply printing more worthless currency to add as much volume to their “Net Worth” thereby increasing their power. MONEY x KNOWLEDGE = POWER. MONEY BY ITSELF IS NOT POWER. AND PRINTING MONEY JUST DOES NOT DO IT, AND THAT IS ALMOST A THING OF THE PAST NOW. This new currency system will block them from being able to fall back to their same old tricks of gaining their wealth by stealing, cheating, unlawfully manipulating the currency and everything connected to it (all the markets, stocks, bonds, etc.). CORRECT. NO MORE STEALING ALLOWED. By each country having their own total control of their assets, this will provide them with the stabilizing basis of creating a more secure atmosphere of security for their country’s inhabitants. Under the new currency system, as I understand it, each country’s currency value is based on the assets owned by each country. And I don’t know how any country can Revalue their currency in this new currency system “Without having their own ‘Real Assets’ to back their country’s currency” in their possession. How can they accurately arrive at a total value of their assets without actually having them in their possession. And therefore, how would they be able to attribute a ‘Real Value’ to their currency ? An example would be: the value of a u.s. dollar would be valued by attributing an exact per centage of gold or silver or oil to equal the value of one u.s. dollar. It would be the same for every country worldwide. Thereby one u.s. dollar will be able to buy “This” much of another commodity, say lunch meat at the deli counter in the grocery. THIS ONE I DO NOT HAVE AN ANSWER FOR. NOT IN MY JOB DESCRIPTION AT THE MOMENT. Now therein lies a serious problem as I see it. When Germany wanted its gold returned from the u.s. , the u.s. only honored a smaller amount then was demanded by Germany. I’m in no position to explain the reason why this went down this way. It could have been a political maneuvering play by the u.s. on Germany or it could have been that the u.s. didn’t have the amount of gold any more to be able to meet the demands of Germany. Personally I think it was a power play, and that’s not saying that the other scenario might not be true also. It is common knowledge, or at the very least, a common suspicion, that there is NO gold owned by the u.s. any more. (The famous “Fort Knox is empty” story / urban legend). It seems that most everyone that is aware of this, somewhat, if not completely, believes that all of the gold that was owned by the u.s. has been stolen by the cabal at some point in the past. This may even be the case with the gold being held by the u.s. for other countries, it may also have been stolen. THE USA NOW HAS GOLD SUPPORTING THE TRN. THIS IS GOOD, THE USD IS NOW CONSIDERED TO BE BASEL III COMPLIANT. So, “IF” this is true – that the u.s. is not in possession of any gold (either it’s own ‘owned’ gold, or gold that it has been holding for other foreign countries) I think that the u.s. is in deep $hit !! NO GOLD = NO WEALTH = NO POWER !! Therefore this equates to the u.s. being reduced to a 3rd world type of country – NOT A GOOD THING FOR u.s. CITIZENS !! None the less, it is certainly a good thing that Grandfather and his ‘family’ have done what they have done, otherwise the whole world would be in deep $hit ! In closing, I want to express my deepest appreciation for you both (and your staff) for all that you have done and continue to do for us all. I had talked / exchanged emails with Poof in the past about meeting him personally and having some ‘exotic’ drinks on the beach with little umbrellas in them and sharing a meal together. I would very much love to do that same thing with both of you after all of the funding starts to take place and I can finally afford to do it. So consider this as a formal invitation and let’s plan on it – And for Certain, it is my treat to you !! Sincerely, BM I WOULD LOVE TO DO THAT SOMETIME, AS WOULD SUSAN I WOULD SAY. MUCH THANKS. Can you tell us what is holding up the RV now and will we see it before December 7, 2014. THE RV IS TO BE FORMALLY DONE IN 2015. THAT IS THE ONLY INFORMATION I HAVE ON THAT ONE. HAVING IT DONE BY DECEMBER 7 IS POSSIBLE, BUT WHETHER CONDITIONS WILL SUPPORT THIS SCHEDULE IS AN UNKNOWN, SO I CAN NOT SAY. WISH I COULD. SO IN CLOSING, WE ARE CLOSE. THE CLOSEST WE HAVE BEEN FOR DECADES. IT IS ALMOST HERE, AND I KNOW THIS AS A TRUE AND ACURATE STATEMENT. THE FAMILY HAS ALREADY DONE A TEST TRANSFER IN OUR DIRECTION, AND BY THE END OF THIS WEEK, THE BANK WILL RELEASE THAT. THE NEXT ONE WILL BE LARGE ENOUGH TO GET THE INFRASTRUCTURE DONE. SO TAKE HEART, AND KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED A FEW MORE RELEASES WILL TAKE PLACE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. SO DESPITE THE EMPTY POCKETS RIGHT NOW, WE WILL ALL MAKE IT THROUGH SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY. KEEP STRONG AND POSITIVE AS WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHANGES. SNUFFLES SAYS HI. HE IS GOING THE ANIMATION ROUTE THANKS TO A GIFTED INDIVIDUAL WHO SAID HE WOULD TAKE HIM TO THE NEXT LEVEL. SNUFFLES AND HIS OWN ANIMATION….COOL. (HE HAS WINGS THERE) MUCH LOVE TO ALL, AND GOD BLESS. ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” December 1, 2014 Copyright ZAP 2014 Thanks for any help your able to give as we continue to give all we can to keep you up to date…please go to paypal…acct: goneforthfornow@gmail via friends and family. If there is a problem please contact us at [email protected] …consultations are on going. Blessings, Susan Love and Kisses, “THE OFFICE OF POOFNESS” Susan and Staff ———————————————————– THE ROLLING STONES LYRICS “Gimme Shelter” Oh, a storm is threat’ning My very life today If I don’t get some shelter Oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away War, children, it’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away War, children, it’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away Ooh, see the fire is sweepin’ Our very street today Burns like a red coal carpet Mad bull lost your way War, children, it’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away War, children, it’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away Rape, murder! It’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away Rape, murder! It’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away Rape, murder! It’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away The floods is threat’ning My very life today Gimme, gimme shelter Or I’m gonna fade away War, children, it’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away It’s just a shot away I tell you love, sister, it’s just a kiss away It’s just a kiss away It’s just a kiss away It’s just a kiss away It’s just a kiss away Kiss away, kiss away Filed under: apocalypse, cabal, energies, new energies, partners in contrast, prosperity package Tagged: Office of Poofness, Poof, Poofness, ZAP
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:18:37 +0000

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