Office of Readings Introduction (without Invitatory) Deus, - TopicsExpress


Office of Readings Introduction (without Invitatory) Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde. Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína. Glória Patri et Fílio* et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper* et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen. Allelúia. O God, come to our aid. O Lord, make haste to help us. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alleluia. ________ Hymnus I. Quando Officium lectionis dicitur noctu vel summo mane: Summæ Deus cleméntiæ mundíque factor máchinæ, qui trinus almo númine unúsque firmas ómnia, Nostros piis cum cánticis fletus benígne súscipe, quo corde puro sórdibus te perfruámur lárgius. Lumbos adúre cóngruis tu caritátis ígnibus, accíncti ut adsint pérpetim tuísque prompti advéntibus, Ut, quique horas nóctium nunc concinéndo rúmpimus, donis beátæ pátriæ ditémur omnes áffatim. Præsta, Pater piíssime, Patríque compar Unice, cum Spíritu Paráclito regnans per omne sǽculum. Amen. II. Quando Officium lectionis dicitur diurno tempore: Auctor perénnis glóriæ, qui septifórmis grátiæ das Spíritum credéntibus, assíste mitis ómnibus. Expélle morbos córporum, mentis repélle scándalum, exscínde vires críminum, fuga dolóres córdium. Serénas mentes éffice, opus honéstum pérfice, preces orántum áccipe, vitam perénnem tríbue. Septem diérum cúrsibus nunc tempus omne dúcitur; octávus ille últimus dies erit iudícii, In quo, Redémptor, quǽsumus, ne nos in ira árguas, sed a sinístra líbera, ad déxteram nos cólloca, Ut, cum preces suscéperis clemens tuárum plébium, reddámus omnes glóriam trino Deo per sǽcula. Amen. Hymn How great the tale, that there should be, In God’s Son’s heart, a place for me! That on a sinner’s lips like mine The cross of Jesus Christ should shine! Christ Jesus, bend me to thy will, My feet to urge, my griefs to still; That e’en my flesh and blood may be A temple sanctified to Thee. No rest, no calm my soul may win, Because my body craves to sin; Till thou, dear Lord, thyself impart Peace on my head, light in my heart. May consecration come from far, Soft shining like the evening star. My toilsome path make plain to me, Until I come to rest in thee. ________ Psalmus 130:1-3 Quasi parvuli fiducia in Domino collocata Qui humiliáverit se sicut párvulus, hic maior est in regno cælórum. Dómine, non est exaltátum cor meum,* neque eláti sunt óculi mei; neque ambulávi in magnis,* neque in mirabílibus super me. Vere pacátam et quiétam* feci ánimam meam; sicut ablactátus in sinu matris suæ,* sicut ablactátus, ita in me est ánima mea. Speret Israel in Dómino* ex hoc nunc et usque in sǽculum. Glória Patri et Fílio* et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper* et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen. Qui humiliáverit se sicut párvulus, hic maior est in regno cælórum. Psalm 130 (131) Childlike trust in God Whoever humbles himself like a little child will be greater in the kingdom of heaven. O Lord, my heart is not proud nor haughty my eyes. I have not gone after things too great nor marvels beyond me. Truly I have set my soul in silence and peace. A weaned child on its mother’s breast, even so is my soul. O Israel, hope in the Lord both now and forever. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Whoever humbles himself like a little child will be greater in the kingdom of heaven. ________ Psalmus 131:1-10 Divina promissa domui David data Deus meus, in simplicitáte cordis mei, lætus óbtuli univérsa. Meménto, Dómine, David* et omnis mansuetúdinis eius, quia iurávit Dómino,* votum vovit Poténti Iacob: «Non introíbo in tabernáculum domus meæ,* non ascéndam in lectum strati mei, non dabo somnum óculis meis* et pálpebris meis dormitatiónem, donec invéniam locum Dómino,* tabernáculum Poténti Iacob». Ecce audívimus eam esse in Ephratha,* invénimus eam in campis Iaar. Ingrediámur in tabernáculum eius,* adorémus ad scabéllum pedum eius. Surge, Dómine, in réquiem tuam,* tu et arca fortitúdinis tuæ. Sacerdótes tui induántur iustítiam,* et sancti tui exsúltent. Propter David servum tuum* non avértas fáciem christi tui. Glória Patri et Fílio* et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper* et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen. Deus meus, in simplicitáte cordis mei, lætus óbtuli univérsa. Psalm 131 (132) Gods promise to the house of David With an honest heart I have offered up all things joyfully, O my God. O Lord, remember David and all the many hardships he endured, the oath he swore to the Lord, his vow to the Strong One of Jacob. ‘I will not enter the house where I live nor go to the bed where I rest. I will give no sleep to my eyes, to my eyelids I will give no slumber till I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling for the Strong One of Jacob.’ At Ephrata we heard of the ark; we found it in the plains of Yearim. ‘Let us go to the place of his dwelling; let us go to kneel at his footstool.’ Go up, Lord, to the place of your rest, you and the ark of your strength. Your priests shall be clothed with holiness; your faithful shall ring out their joy. For the sake of David your servant do not reject your anointed. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. With an honest heart I have offered up all things joyfully, O my God. ________ Psalmus 131:11-18 Iurávit Dóminus David veritátem: firmávit regnum eius in ætérnum. Iurávit Dóminus David veritátem* et non recédet ab ea: «De fructu ventris tui* ponam super sedem tuam. Si custodíerint fílii tui testaméntum meum* et testimónia mea, quæ docébo eos, fílii eórum usque in sǽculum* sedébunt super sedem tuam». Quóniam elégit Dóminus Sion,* desiderávit eam in habitatiónem sibi: «Hæc réquies mea in sǽculum sǽculi;* hic habitábo, quóniam desiderávi eam. Cibária eius benedícens benedícam,* páuperes eius saturábo pánibus. Sacerdótes eius índuam salutári,* et sancti eius exsultatióne exsultábunt. Illic germináre fáciam cornu David,* parábo lucérnam christo meo. Inimícos eius índuam confusióne,* super ipsum autem efflorébit diadéma eius». Glória Patri et Fílio* et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper* et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen. Iurávit Dóminus David veritátem: firmávit regnum eius in ætérnum. Psalm 131 (132) The Lord swore an oath to David and he will not go back on his word; he made his kingdom firm for ever. The Lord swore an oath to David; he will not go back on this word: ‘A son, the fruit of your body, will I set upon your throne. ‘If they keep my covenant in truth and my laws that I have taught them, their sons also shall rule on your throne from age to age.’ For the Lord has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his dwelling: ‘This is my resting-place for ever; here have I chosen to live. ‘I will greatly bless her produce, I will fill her poor with bread. I will clothe her priests with salvation and her faithful shall ring out their joy. ‘There David’s stock will flower; I will prepare a lamp for my anointed. I will cover his enemies with shame but on him my crown shall shine.’ Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. The Lord swore an oath to David and he will not go back on his word; he made his kingdom firm for ever. ________ ℣. Veníte et vidéte ópera Dómini. ℟. Qui pósuit prodígia super terram. Come and see the works of the Lord, – who has done wonders on the earth. ________ Lectio prior De libro Zacharíæ prophétæ 14, 1-21 Tribulationes et gloria Ierusalem in tempore novissimo Hæc dicit Dóminus: «Ecce venit dies Dómino, et dividéntur spólia tua in médio tui, et congregábo omnes gentes ad Ierúsalem in prœ́lium, et capiétur cívitas, et vastabúntur domus, et mulíeres violabúntur; et egrediétur média pars civitátis in captivitátem, et réliquum pópuli non auferétur ex urbe. Et egrediétur Dóminus et prœliábitur contra gentes illas, sicut prœliátus est in die certáminis. Et stabunt pedes eius in die illa super montem Olivárum, qui est contra Ierúsalem ad oriéntem; et scindétur mons Olivárum ex média parte sui ad oriéntem et ad occidéntem, prærúpto grandi valde, et separábitur médium montis ad aquilónem et médium eius ad merídiem. Et fugiétis ad vallem móntium eórum, quóniam vallis móntium pertínget usque ad Iasol; et fugiétis, sicut fugístis a fácie terræmótus in diébus Ozíæ regis Iudæ, et véniet Dóminus Deus meus, omnésque sancti cum eo. Erit: in die illa non erit lux, sed frigus et gelu; et erit dies una, quæ nota est Dómino, non dies neque nox; et in témpore vésperi erit lux. Et erit: in die illa exíbunt aquæ vivæ de Ierúsalem, médium eárum ad mare orientále, et médium eárum ad mare occidentále: in æstáte et in híeme erunt. Et erit Dóminus rex super omnem terram: in die illa erit Dóminus unus, et erit nomen eius unum. Et revertétur omnis terra in desértum, a Gaba usque ad Remmon ad austrum Ierúsalem, quæ exaltábitur et habitábitur in loco suo, a porta Béniamin usque ad locum portæ Prióris, et usque ad portam Angulórum, et a turre Hanáneel usque ad Torculária regis. Et habitábunt in ea, et anáthema non erit ámplius; sed habitábitur Ierúsalem secúra. Et hæc erit plaga, qua percútiet Dóminus omnes gentes, quæ pugnavérunt advérsus Ierúsalem: tabéscet caro uniuscuiúsque stantis super pedes suos, et óculi eius contabéscent in foramínibus suis, et lingua eius contabéscet in ore suo. In die illa erit tumúltus Dómini magnus in eis, et apprehéndet vir manum próximi sui, et elevábitur manus eius super manum próximi sui. Sed et Iudas pugnábit in Ierúsalem, et congregabúntur divítiæ ómnium géntium in circúitu, aurum et argéntum et vestes multæ nimis. Et sic erit ruína equi, muli, caméli et ásini et ómnium iumentórum, quæ fúerint in castris illis, sicut ruína hæc. Et omnes, qui réliqui fúerint de univérsis géntibus, quæ venérunt contra Ierúsalem, ascéndent ab anno in annum, ut adórent Regem, Dóminum exercítuum, et célebrent festivitátem Tabernaculórum. Et erit: qui non ascénderit de famíliis terræ ad Ierúsalem, ut adóret Regem, Dóminum exercítuum, non erit super eos imber. Quod et si família Ægýpti non ascénderit et non vénerit, super eos erit plaga, qua pércutit Dóminus gentes, quæ non ascénderint ad celebrándam festivitátem Tabernaculórum. Hæc erit pœna Ægýpti, et hæc pœna ómnium géntium, quæ non ascénderint ad celebrándam festivitátem Tabernaculórum. In die illa erit super tintinnábula equórum: “Sanctum Dómino”; et erunt lebétes in domo Dómini quasi phíalæ coram altári. Et erit omnis lebes in Ierúsalem et in Iuda sanctificátus Dómino exercítuum; et vénient omnes immolántes et sument ex eis et coquent in eis, et non erit mercátor ultra in domo Dómini exercítuum in die illo». First Reading Zechariah 14:1-21 See, a day is coming for the Lord when the spoils taken from you will be divided among you. The Lord will gather all the nations to Jerusalem for battle. The city will be taken, the houses plundered, the women ravished. Half the city will go into captivity, but the remnant of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then the Lord will take the field; he will fight against these nations as he fights in the day of battle. On that day, his feet will rest on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem from the east. The Mount of Olives will be split in half from east to west, forming a huge gorge; half the Mount will recede northwards, the other half southwards. And the Vale of Hinnom will be filled up from Goah to Jasol; it will be blocked as it was by the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. The Lord your God will come, and all the holy ones with him. When that day comes, there will be no more cold, no more frost. It will be a day of wonder – the Lord knows it – with no alternation of day and night; in the evening it will be light. When that day comes, running waters will issue from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea, half of them to the western sea; they will flow summer and winter. And the Lord will be king of the whole world. When that day comes, the Lord will be unique and his name unique. The entire country will be transformed into plain, from Geba to Rimmon in the Negeb. And Jerusalem will be raised higher, though still in the same place; from the Gate of Benjamin to the site of the First Gate, that is to say to the Gate of the Corner and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s winepress, people will make their homes. The ban will be lifted; Jerusalem will be safe to live in. And this is the plague with which the Lord will strike all the nations who have fought against Jerusalem; their flesh will moulder while they are still standing on their feet; their eyes will rot in their sockets; their tongues will rot in their mouths. And such will be the plague on the horses and mules, camels and donkeys, and all the animals to be found in that camp. When that day comes, a great terror will fall on them from the Lord; each man will grab his neighbour’s hand and they will hit out at each other. Even Judah will fight against Jerusalem. The wealth of all the surrounding nations will be heaped together: gold, silver, clothing, in vast quantity. All who survive of all the nations that have marched against Jerusalem will go up year by year to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the feast of Tabernacles. Should one of the races of the world fail to go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, there will be no rain for that one. Should the race of Egypt fail to go up and pay its visit, on it will fall the plague which the Lord will inflict on each one of those nations that fail to go up to keep the feast of Tabernacles. Such shall be the punishment for Egypt and for all the nations that fail to go up to keep the feast of Tabernacles. When that day comes, the horse bells will be inscribed with the words, ‘Sacred to the Lord’, and in the Temple of the Lord the very cooking pots will be as fine as the sprinkling bowls at the altar. And every cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall become sacred to the Lord of Hosts; all who want to offer sacrifice will come and help themselves from them for their cooking; there will be no more traders in the Temple of the Lord of Hosts, when that day comes. Responsorium Zac 14, 8 a; 13, 1; Io 19, 34 ℟. In die illa exíbunt aquæ vivæ de Ierúsalem et erit fons patens dómui David* Pro peccátis et immundítia. ℣. Unus mílitum láncea latus Iesu apéruit, et contínuo exívit sanguis et aqua.* Pro peccátis. Responsory When that day comes, water shall flow out from Jerusalem and a fountain shall spring up for the house of David, to wash away all sin. One of the soldiers pierced the side of Jesus with a lance, and immediately blood and water flowed out, to wash away all sin. ________ Lectio altera Ex Collatiónibus sancti Thomæ de Aquíno presbýteri (Coll. super Credo in Deum: Opuscula theologica 2, Taurini 1954, pp. 216-217) Satiabor cum apparuerit gloria tua Conveniénter in fine ómnium desideriórum nostrórum, scílicet in vita ætérna, finis datur credéndis in Sýmbolo, cum dícitur: «Vitam ætérnam. Amen». In vita ætérna primum est quod homo coniúngitur Deo. Nam ipse Deus est prǽmium et finis ómnium labórum nostrórum: Ego protéctor tuus sum, et merces tua magna nimis. Consístit autem hæc coniúnctio in perfécta visióne: Vidémus nunc per spéculum in ænígmate; tunc autem fácie ad fáciem. Item consístit in summa laude, ut dicit Prophéta: Gáudium et lætítia inveniétur in ea, gratiárum áctio et vox laudis. Item in perfécta satietáte desidérii, nam ibi habébit quílibet beátus ultra desideráta et speráta. Cuius rátio est, quia nullus potest in vita ista implére desidérium suum, nec umquam áliquod creátum sátiat desidérium hóminis: Deus enim solus sátiat, et in infinítum excédit; et inde est quod non quiéscit nisi in Deo, sicut Augustínus dicit: Fecísti nos, Dómine, ad te, et inquiétum est cor nostrum donec requiéscat in te. Et quia sancti in pátria perfécte habébunt Deum, maniféstum est quod satiábitur desidérium eórum, et adhuc glória excédet. Et ídeo dicit Dóminus: Intra in gáudium Dómini tui. Augustínus vero dicit: Totum gáudium non intrábit in gaudéntes, sed toti gaudéntes intrábunt in gáudium. Satiábor cum apparúerit glória tua; et íterum: Qui replet in bonis desidérium tuum. Quidquid enim delectábile est, totum est ibi superabundánter. Si enim appetúntur delectatiónes, ibi erit summa et perfectíssima delectátio, quia de summo bono, scílicet Deo: Delectatiónes in déxtera tua usque in finem. Item consístit in ómnium beatórum iucúnda societáte, quæ socíetas erit máxime delectábilis, quia quílibet habébit ómnia bona cum ómnibus beátis. Nam quílibet díliget álium sicut seípsum, et ídeo gaudébit de bono alteríus sicut de suo. Quo fit ut tantum augeátur lætítia et gáudium uníus, quantum est gáudium ómnium. Second Reading A conference of St Thomas Aquinas When your glory is seen, I shall be satisfied It is fitting that the end of all our desires, namely eternal life coincides with the words at the end of the creed, “Life everlasting. Amen.” The first point about eternal life is that man is united with God. For God himself is the reward and end of all our labours: I am your protector and your supreme reward. This union consists in seeing perfectly: At present we see through a glass, darkly; but then we shall see face to face. Next it consists in perfect praise, according to the words of the prophet: Joy and happiness will be found in it, thanksgiving and words of praise. It also consists in the complete satisfaction of desire, for there the blessed will be given more than they wanted or hoped for. The reason is that in this life no one can fulfil his longing, nor can any creature satisfy man’s desire. Only God satisfies, he infinitely exceeds all other pleasures. That is why man can rest in nothing but God. As Augustine says: You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our heart can find no rest until it rests in you. Since in their heavenly home the saints will possess God completely, obviously their longing will be satisfied, and their glory will be even greater. That is why the Lord says: Enter into the joy of your Lord. Augustine adds: The fullness of joy will not enter into those who rejoice, but those who rejoice will enter into joy. I shall be satisfied when your glory is seen, and again: He who satisfies your desire with good things. Whatever is delightful is there in superabundance. If delights are sought, there is supreme and most perfect delight. It is said of God, the supreme good: Boundless delights are in your right hand. Again, eternal life consists of the joyous community of all the blessed, a community of supreme delight, since everyone will share all that is good with all the blessed. Everyone will love everyone else as himself, and therefore will rejoice in another’s good as in his own. So it follows that the happiness and joy of each grows in proportion to the joy of all. Responsorium Ps 16 (17), 15; 1 Cor 13, 12 b ℟. Ego in iustítia vidébo fáciem tuam, Dómine;* Satiábor, cum evigilávero, conspéctu tuo. ℣. Nunc cognósco ex parte; tunc autem cognóscam, sicut et cógnitus sum* Satiábor. Responsory In my justice I shall see your face, O Lord. When I awake, I shall be filled with a vision of glory. Now I have only glimpses of knowledge; when the time of fulfilment comes, I shall know God as he has known me. When I awake, I shall be filled with a vision of glory. ________ Oremus. Da nobis, quæsumus, Dómine Deus noster, in tua semper devotióne gaudére, quia perpétua est et plena felícitas, si bonórum ómnium iúgiter serviámus auctóri. Per Dóminum. Let us pray. Lord our God, give us grace to serve you always with joy, because our full and lasting happiness is to make of our lives a constant service to the Author of all that is good. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. ________ Benedicámus Dómino. – Deo grátias. Let us praise the Lord. – Thanks be to God. Copyright © 1996-2013 Universalis Publishing Limited: see universalis. Scripture readings from the Jerusalem Bible are published and copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. Text of the Psalms: Copyright © 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:00:14 +0000

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