Officer Darren Wilson Did Blacks in Ferguson a Big Favor By The - TopicsExpress


Officer Darren Wilson Did Blacks in Ferguson a Big Favor By The Drive-By Pundit At this writing, black hooligans and their supporters are engaged in violence, looting and the wanton destruction of businesses (many of them minority businesses) in Ferguson, Missouri. How many times have we seen that movie? A short list includes: • 1980 in Miami, after the acquittal of four police officers in the death of Arthur McDuffie, a black man. • 1991 in Crown Heights in New York City, between blacks and Hasidic Jews over the accidental killing of a Guyanese immigrant child by an Orthodox Jewish motorist. • 1991 in Overtown, Miami, in the heavily black section of town against Cuban Americans, like earlier riots there in 1982 and 1984. • 1992 in Los Angeles from April 29 to May 5. After the acquittal of police officers on trial regarding the assault of Rodney King, a black man. • 1992 in Harlem involving blacks and Puerto Ricans against the New York Police Department. • 1995 in St. Petersburg, Fla., caused by protests against racial profiling and police brutality. • 2001 in Cincinnati, in the black section of Over-the-Rhine. • 2005 in Toledo, Ohio, sparked by neo-Nazis and white supremacists marching through a mostly black section of town. • 2009 in Oakland after the police shooting Oscar Grant, a black man. Here’s the stripped down, politically incorrect truth about the killing of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson. Based on the facts, Wilson did the black community in Ferguson a BIG favor when he toe tagged Brown. It’s not Wilson’s fault that Brown was stupid enough to bring only his bare hands to a gunfight that he initiated. Now at this point, I’m expected to pen something along the lines of how tragic, no matter the circumstances that Brown lost his life that day and blah, blah, blah. Every life is precious and we should all feel for his family and blah, blah, blah. This is an opportunity to engage in a national dialogue about race and all such tommyrot. I just can’t do it. I never met Brown but I know his ilk very well. I worked on the South Side of Chicago and saw firsthand the harm societal rots like Brown have inflicted on the black community. My sympathy for predators like him dried up long ago. I reported on and edited too many stories about precious, innocent black children gunned down in their homes by warring or thieving black thugs. Dozens of times I saw members of the newsroom at the Chicago Defender where I worked at 24th and South Michigan Avenue in Chicago, dive for cover under their desks at the sound of gunfire that rang out at all hours of the day. I was held speechless dozens of times listening as helpless, elderly black people who came to the newspaper in search of rescue and a sympathetic voice on how they spent their days sealed in their homes, terrified of their own children, grandchildren and neighborhood toughs and why no one was doing anything about them. I saw a 13-year-old black boy spout geysers of dark blood in between vain struggles for breath and another second of life after being mortally wounded by a black assailant on a grimy pavement on South Prairie Avenue at 4 p.m., in a neighborhood not far from the Chicago home of President Obama Here’s the most pathetic thing of it all. The instance black thugs like Brown go on a violent, criminal spree, the first thing blacks in the ghetto do is -- you guessed it -- call the police (many of whom are white) and wait trembling in prayer abject fear until they arrive. Those are the same white police officers blacks so easily deride as racist at times like Ferguson. White polices deserve special credit for still responding to such calls at peril of life and limb after the hell Officer Wilson has endured these last few months. I wouldn’t and the black community be damned. So pardon me. I just don’t have it in me anymore to bandy in platitudes about instances like Ferguson. After all, no group benefits more from when a black lowlife like Brown is shot dead by a police officer than the black community itself. The black community has too many like him making life hazardous and the police could certainly use the extra target practice. Good riddance to bad trash, which brings me to the cartoon of the week and and the hope that those who like this post will join my page, Conservative Minority Republican Caucus. This is membership drive week:
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:54:30 +0000

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