Officer for a Day - Mikey Thorpe Rock Springs Police Officer - TopicsExpress


Officer for a Day - Mikey Thorpe Rock Springs Police Officer Amanda Clawson is a friend of the Thorpe family who currently live in Evanston, WY. Mikey’s mother Tessa grew up in Rock Springs. Mikey wished to have a ride-a-long with a police officer. We are granting his wish by making him an honorary Rock Springs Police Officer for the day. Several events have been scheduled and the public is invited to attend the swearing in ceremony for Mikey Thorpe at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, 9/17/2013 in the City Council Chambers. We are asking people to arrive at 9:15 AM. Join us in making this a special day for Mikey. Questions can be directed to Heather Marsh, RSPD Senior Administrative Assistant, (307) 352-1581. Below is a post written about Mikey by his mother on his Facebook, “Thoughts and prayers for Mikey Thorpe.” Mikey & Leukemia (The 4 yr fight) July 16, 2013 at 5:40pm my son mikey was diagnosed with leukemia in may 2009. because of this, our lives changed so much that most people dont even understand unless they have also experienced cancer or taken care of someone with cancer. in the beginning i had so many mixed emotions, questions, that i cant even describe. it only took one month after diagnosis for mikey to go into remission and even though he is remission, he still must recieve the chemo treatments at primary childrens & numerous medications at home. we take each day as it comes because every day can be different. for alot of people, they see mikey as a picture of perfect health, which mikey has been very fortunate to handle the treatments & other meds as well as he has. but there has been other days when that has changed so quickly. one minute he can be having the time of his life, but within that same hour or less he can be wrapped in a blanket in 80 degree or higher weather shivering with cold chills and/or vomiting the next from the medications. when i say his blood counts are borderline, that usually means his immune system is compromised and very easy to pick up any communicable disease. if it goes below borderline, that means we pretty much need to stay at home to protect him from getting sick, because the way a simple cold/flu affects others, could make mikey so much sicker even lead to hospitalization. when he gets a fever, its treated so much differently than someone without cancer. his energy levels vary on a daily basis, one day he can run all day long, then theres some where he can sleep 12 hours+. but as i said previously, mikey has been very fortunate, strong, brave, & able to live life to the fullest. in closing, i wrote this so that more people can become aware of how cancer & chemo can affect a persons life & understand terms used. Update. Mikey completed 3 yrs of chemo after being diagnosed in May 2009. In Aug 2012 we celebrated that we were done with chemo & he had his port a cath taken out. A month later he began showing signs & symptoms of leukemia once again, horrible hip & leg pain almost so bad that he could barely walk. Contacted drs, blood tests were ran & once again, unbearable news, mikey had relapsed. Mid oct 2012, port a cath put back into place & would start chemo once again. About 3 months of chemo went by and dr recommended a bone marrow transplant cause mikey wasnt reponding to the chemo as quick as dr wanted him to. This 2nd diagnosis of leukemia would be more intense then the first diagnosis, before the bone marrow transplant, mikey would be admitted to PICU due to a collapsed lung, which was quickly resolved with a chest tube. Also during an echo test a blood clot in his heart was also found. Drs continue to monitor it which it looks as if it will continue to remain stable & his heart will build a kind of shield around it, like its just naturally part of him. Late March 2013 started prepping for transpant with high dose chemo & radiation. April 2 he received his bone marrow from an anonymous male donor. we would spend almost 4 weeks in the hospital, getting released on april 26. we would have to remain in the salt lake area for another 2 & 1/2 months, getting released to go back home to evanston on july 11th. Unfortunately after all this there is still a small percentage of leukemia cells still present in mikeys bone marrow. Drs hope once he is weaned from one of his meds that his immune system will go into full force and kill the remaining leukemic cells. Until then its gonna be one day at a time with continued wkly apts. On Aug 1st he had another biopsy that showed his leukemia cells were progressing and with such aggression it was deemed that his leukemia is now terminal. He will be given some medications at home and only traveling to the hospital for blood & platelet tranfusions when needed.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 21:51:51 +0000

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