Official Press release about the March 30th protest 3/29/2014 - TopicsExpress


Official Press release about the March 30th protest 3/29/2014 When the government turns a deaf ear to the voice of the people again, and even uses violence against its unarmed citizens, the people must stand up! The March 30th “Stand up for democracy, send back CSSTA!” mass protest on Ketagalan Boulevard is organized by civic organizations to condemn state violence, and to call for continuous peaceful safeguard of the Legislative Yuan. At the same time, we call for all legislators to directly respond to our demands, and refrain from blocking the Draft Bill for Cross-Strait Agreements for review. This protest will be nonviolent. We, just like Premier Chiang, appeal to the police that they should not use excessive force, to prevent unnecessary conflict. If the police does otherwise, we will see that President Ma and Premier Chiang bear the weight of political and legal responsibilities. The protest at Ketagalan Boulevard will end at around 7 pm, and demonstrators will return to the Legislative Yuan to protect the students, the Legislative Yuan, and democracy. On March 30th, people will stand up to condemn state violence. We reiterate demands as follows: 1) Send back CSSTA; 2) The Legislative Yuan must complete legalization of the Supervisory Agreement before reviewing CSSTA; 3) Call a Citizens’ Constitutional Assembly; 4) Legislators from all parties must actively understand and respond to the voices of the students and the people, and support the expedited legislation of the Draft Bill for Cross-Strait Agreements proposed by the people. 【新聞稿】 330捍衛民主、退回服貿、人民站出來 譴責國家暴力 和平守護台灣 2014.3.29 09:30 當政府一再對人民呼聲置若罔聞,甚至以國家暴力對付手無寸鐵的人民,人民必須站出來!公民團體發起「330捍衛民主、退回服貿、人民站出來」凱道集結行動,嚴厲譴責國家暴力,呼籲人民繼續和平守護立院。同時,我們也呼籲朝野立委正面回應我們的訴求,勿再阻擋「兩岸協定締結條例」草案付委。 整個行動將遵守和平非暴力原則,我們與江宜樺院長一樣,呼籲警方切勿執法過當,避免引發不必要的衝突,若因警方執法過當而引發衝突,我們也將追究馬英九總統、江宜樺院長的政治與法律責任。而當天的凱道集結行動將於晚間7點結束,參與民眾將回到立法院,繼續守護學生、守護立院、守護民主。 330人民站出來行動譴責國家暴力,並重申四點訴求: 一、退回服貿協議; 二、兩岸協議監督法制化,先立法、再審查服貿協議; 三、召開公民憲政會議; 四、要求朝野立委站出來,響應人民的訴求,支持民間版兩岸協定締結條例草案盡速完成立法。 Full Version: English- French: Spanish: Polish: Russian: Portuguese:
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:07:00 +0000

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