Official Public Spirited Clairomancy Column Monday 10th March - TopicsExpress


Official Public Spirited Clairomancy Column Monday 10th March 2014 To find out your reading, read under the month that you were born in. That is your reading for today. January Where a health issue that you thought was at it worst, there is so much positivity and healing energies at their best to assist in this. Things can happen when you set your mind on it. February You find yourself trying to get past obstacles in your work life, people around you are trying their best to push you down, so be mindful who you communicate with. You are on top, remember that! March When you think everything is coming at you from all angles and putting you off balance, your path is away to take an all importnat turn that you’ve been asking for. April A love that had something missing at the start is slowly showing signs of commitment. When this comes, you will never look back at this. May Time to stop beating round the bush, wake up and smell the coffee. You have so much you can achieve when you have your mind set. A promotion is on the cards for you. June All that thoughts you are having will soon manifest into something that you keep asking for. Money is the topic of conversation around you at the moment. July All systems are go with and you are been given the green light for a project that you have been thinking about to take upon as your own. August It’s been a long time coming and you have kept quiet for too long. You have the higher forces working to help gain that confidence that you are needing for a situation. September Just as you thought it was the last straw within the home life, there is always a positive element that will come out of this. What goes out, must come back in. October Luck for you is coming in very strong this is the time where you should push past people that have been in your way to stop you. The chapter of a new page in on the cards for you. November It’s been time for you to finally realise that what you gave out in the past is now coming back to you, as you thought this was not possible to work out. Friendships are about to make a sudden change. December When you were lend into negativity in the past. You have came on so much better and you will continue to do so and great things are to come off this and your wish you keep asking will come true. facebook/MediumScottMorrison
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:05:40 +0000

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