Official Public Spirited Clairomancy Column Weekend starting - TopicsExpress


Official Public Spirited Clairomancy Column Weekend starting Saturday 29th March 2014 To find out your Clairomancy in this column, each one relates to the month you were born in. January You now see yourself in a much better light than before hidden away from others who you felt was in your way, but this was all for a good reason. Keep going with it, as remember only you can make this change turn into reality. Do not go back to the same person as you once were. February New change will be the highlight for you this weekend, as you’ve had so many plans go wrong that it’s now time to get back to the drawing board. This can only work in your favour if you allow this to progress into bigger projects that are to get well underway soon. March It’s all work no play for you, maybe you should take that little extra time during the day to find something that will give you that little extra boost of motivation. Sitting down wont be making any changes in this matter, the get up and go is needed greatly. April Things seem just that bit away from you now it’s about time you made the effort to go that little bit extra. So much will be achieved and gained from this as you will have the future in your hands to mould it the way you’d want it to be. May Where you feel as if you are literately walking on eggshells with your emotions. The positive energies of the universe is working with you, this will soon put that spring back into your step and allow plans to be accomplished in more ways than one. June It’s all about giving back to those who have helped you, and make them feel the part. Commitments are coming in strong within your circle. This should be welcomed with open arms as this is a rare occasion! July Opportunities will be coming to you from all different angles, trust your gut feeling to which one you’d like to go for as this dissuasion can be a lifetime change for you, as travel will come into play shortly after this. August Keep an eye on your money or budget this weekend, as there may be a short fall with this. Those things you’d like to do would be great to put these off till this can be manageable for both parties. September That light you felt was no longer within your reach will be working with you every step of the way towards the goal you’d like to be achieved. What you put in will come back and sure enough it will pay off! October Dont allow yourself to be anyones fool you have a strong head on your shoulders when this is used for the right reasons. You can show others what you are capable off and they’ll soon say no more. November Today you will come across memories of the past coming into conversation where a love life is concerned. New light will be shinning through from this person but do not take this as the gospel. December It’s time to raise the glass for yourself, you have done yourself very proud. Continue the good work as all will come back to you in the long run you are doing everyone proud! facebook/MediumScottMorrison
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:34:40 +0000

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