Officially back in Lowell, Indiana. Most I have ever driven/ lived - TopicsExpress


Officially back in Lowell, Indiana. Most I have ever driven/ lived out of my car in my entire life. Thankyou spirits for watching over us/ guiding us during our travels. Its been a powerful last 7 months but honestly the only things that stayed complete and prominent topic in my heart are getting rights to/ seeing my daughter, getting consistent reliable work in an atmosphere that supports my position in life, going to college for something like Music/ maybe electrical circuitry/ mineralogy/ archaeology/ speleology/ caving , and of course last but nowhere even close to least: Making a pact of peace/ respect/ honor with Sarah Pokraka. So that we can exist firmly as a fundamental and supportive parental team that can respectfully operate 50/50 or something close to that, Believe it or not, I do honor you and respect you. Im aware that I have been out of the picture for some time aiming to get on my feet elsewhere because it really felt like Indiana just wanted me gone and was collapsing on me through every person I shared my heart with. (7 months ago) I figured Id give the area some space so that what new cycles needed to complete motion could continue to do so and have their experience dancing in the rains of learning without my alien/hippy ass opposing every modern idea that all the people around me always have lol and i was just so damn overwhelmed and tired of Indiana.. I needed to breathe. I needed solitude. Needed to count my blessing/ find my own peace. Get understandings from the comforts of spirit/ nature, thats just what I do and who I am. I am a Very Sensitive Person. I knew a lot of new things were in motion and much change is clearly happening to All of us. This is beautiful. I know my placement and groups of people that entirely accept me for my wholeness of who I really am is finding me and Im thankful. Im just saying I have taken that breath of air, and indeed & entirely am ready to embrace these blessings that were here surrounding me the whole time. I am blessed, as so are we all, I have Faith in its purpose, and I find meaning in that. Thank you to anyone that reads this, or responds. Means the world right now
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:48:25 +0000

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