Oft times, when WWII is taken into discussion, the left wants to - TopicsExpress


Oft times, when WWII is taken into discussion, the left wants to scream about racism in America because of the Japanese being interned into camps in those awful days of war around the world. Just like the left conveniently forgets Jim Crow was a Democrat, they also forget it was FDR who created the camps by Executive Order. They also forget it was Republicans, like Governor Carr of Colorado, who opposed internment. Somehow, main stream media like ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and MSNBC also forgets these inconvenient truths and uses them to bash the greatest nation in the history of the world. The United States Of America. ...A Republican, Carr supported Roosevelts war efforts, but he openly questioned the internment of Japanese-American citizens. In his speeches and writings he opposed measures that stripped Japanese-Americans of their civil rights, not to mention their personal property, and which treated them as war criminals. He pressed against the popular tide of racism and fear that produced things like highway billboards that screamed Japs Keep Going! Though unable to override the militarys authority to imprison innocent Japanese-Americans in his state, Carr worked tirelessly as an advocate, not to mention to help them retain their status as American citizens. Interestingly, Governor Carrs advocacy for the rights and dignity of Japanese-Americans ended his political career. Governor Carr was an effective fiscal reformer and helped the state of Colorado become more efficient and effective. He had hoped to gain a seat in the United States Senate following his term as governor. But as an honest man, he spoke harshly to the baser motives that led to the Japanese internment program. If you harm them, you must harm me. I was brought up in a small town where I knew the shame and dishonor of race hatred. I grew to despise it because it threatened the happiness of you, and you, and you! His stinging words were not well-taken, and he lost his bid for political office after just one term as the governor of Colorado. Governor Carr was a small voice, but he has been vindicated by decades of national remorse for the wrongheaded Japanese internment of nearly seventy years ago. President Truman, in 1948, made an attempt to redress internment policies in behalf of Japanese citizens, but his efforts fell short. It would take another forty years before the issue was adequately addressed. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the American Civil Liberties Act. It contained a provision which paid a token $20,000 to each formerly interned Japanese-American as a gesture of national apology. Read more: americanthinker/articles/2011/12/the_lone_politician_who_stood_against_japanese_internment.html#ixzz3LDCMVApu Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:53:59 +0000

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