Often being tossed and tormented by surge of modernity and - TopicsExpress


Often being tossed and tormented by surge of modernity and materialism that has unleashed itself, in of the vicious circle ,i find that distinction between true profound knowledge and superficial knowledge is getting blurred.Gone are the days of scientists like Albert Einstin who used to be a real visionary in the true sense by his espousal of that format of knowledge which believed in kindling students mind with seminal thoughts rather than simply cramming it with referential knowledge that can be easily attained with the technique of mugging up things.Why our educational entities barring few fail to foster that fecundity of mind that should be the very fulcrum of progressive thought?Why our modern mentors fail to make a mark in making students mind more envisaging and visualizing one ? Why our ancient paradigm of knowledge that put premium on holistic growth of knowledge and led to the best dissemination of knowledge throughout the world; that was righteous and soul awakening one , seems to be a state of rubble?Is it really not feasible at present to revamp our educational pattern by overhauling it ,where it stresses on, that way of learning that is all inclusive and refrains from being selective and fragmentary one.Remember that ours was the nation in the comity of nations, that was held in high esteem and was virtually eulogized as we saw the culmination of that sound educational pattern which ensured that our country never faces the drought of Drona and Eklavya .We beat our breast and at times become berserk when angelic drops of rain fail to tickle tissue of our body and leave us and our mother earth in scorched state.How many of us can stand as exponential figure in ushering our nation towards that direction where it can successfully deter the dross that has seeped in our educational scaffold ?Let us take the solemn vow that as a true votary of knowledge by our own volition ,strengthening cause of qualitative knowledge will be the avowed objective of our life as a true ! Let quality and profundity be the clarion call for millions of mentors and proteges whose souls are swaddled with abyss of ignorance!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 12:52:48 +0000

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