Often in life we are faced with our physical limitations. No man - TopicsExpress


Often in life we are faced with our physical limitations. No man is an island and no one lives forever. Ps 89:47,48 We all eventually will get sick and die one day and oft time without warning. So, with this knowledge, it occurred to me what if Ihad only one more sermon left inside of me to preach. Have Ipreached everything that one needs to know in order to be saved? Have I been informative to instruct anyone who was in search for the truth? Have I properly warned all to rightly adhere to God’s Word without going beyond it? 1 Cor 4:6 Have I mislead any sincere person in search for salvation? In other words, if this were my last sermon would Ihave need to preach one more word other than what I have already preached? Just In Case If Ihaven’t made it clear before, my last sermon would remind my readers of the imperativeness of reading, learning, studying and obeying the Word of God. 1 Tim 4:13 ff; Mt 11:29; 2 Tim 2:15; Jn 14:15 Iwould be specific to inform all who know not God, and members of all denominations to obey the gospel of Christ. Iwould inform them that they need to do more than believe or to be baptized as an infant in order to be saved. Mk 16:16 Iwould proclaim one more time that all who believe with the heart and confess with the mouth that Jesus is the Christ; Rom 10:9,10 And repent and are baptized for the remission of sins; Acts 2:38 Are added to the Lord’s church, the church of Christ. Acts 2:47 I then would tell them to abide by the doctrine of Christ and worship God according to the Spirit of truth. 2 Jn 9 f; Jn 4:23,24 Iwould encourage them to remain faithful unto death that they might obtain a crown of life. Rev 2:10 My Last Advice As Paul Iwould leave my advice to those who must continue onward to the goal. Iwould remind all not to add to or take from God’s Word, for God’s Word is perfect, tested and true. Rev 22:18,19 ff; Ps 12:6; Ps 18:30; Jn 17:17 Iwould plead with all to rightly divide God’s Word. 2 Tim 2:15 The Word of God was forever settled in heaven and can’t be changed. Ps 119:89 Iwould encourage them to learn of God’s Word and become mature Christians that they might fight the good fight of faith. 1 Tim 6:12 Iwould warn them to never be without the whole armor of God that they might be able to prove and defend and contend for the faith. 1 Thess 5:21 ff; Philip 1:15-18; Jude 3 Iwould give them order to convert and to save that which is lost. 1 Tim 4:16 f; Jam 5:19,20 I would tell them not to be discouraged when they are persecuted and tried by the Almighty, for all such happens to all Christians even as it happened to the prophets, apostles and even Jesus Christ. 2 Tim 3:12 ff; 1 Pet 4:12,16-18; 1 Pet 2:20,21 And last of all, Iwould ask them to remember to always teach and preach God’s Word in faith and in the love of Jesus Christ and his blessed apostles. 2 Tim 1:13 My Final Conclusion: I am not saying this is my last sermon, God only knows, but if it is, Iam confident that what Ihave preached unto all will lead them on the strait and narrow path which leads to life everlasting. If this is my last sermon, I am assured Ihave finished my course and kept the faith. It is no sin to get ill and die, but it is a deadly sin to be ill and die and not prepared to meet the Lord our God. Jn 12:48 f; 2 Thess 1:7-9 Iformally ask each of you to pray that Iand my ministry may continue, for I am daily persecuted and tried and not in the best of health, but if God should choose not to deliver me another day, please continue to use biblicalproof.wordpress as your own for as long as it is continued online. I have preached for free, and all the content of my ministry is yours for free. So, use it freely in the furtherance of the gospel. Continue using my sermons and photos to help preach and teach others in the churches, in your daily ministries, and on places like Facebook, Twitter or whatever is available in the future. I only hope that I have been a good example to you in my zeal and tenacity to preach God’s Word in Spirit and in truth. May God bless you and keep you my fellow brethren always till we all meet in heaven. Ilove you all. Your brother in the Lord Jesus Christ, Alfred Shannon, Jr.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 03:42:41 +0000

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