Often now, as in history, there are many ways the Scriptures have - TopicsExpress


Often now, as in history, there are many ways the Scriptures have been interpreted out of context, removed for popular talk, over emotionalized, to make pointless disputes or creates arguments of apparent contradictions that are easy to prove complimentary to the whole of the Bible. This creates senseless divisions in the Body of Christ (Church), but was actually intended to unite us stronger together. This misconduct of Biblical interpretation has created abusive denominational claims, false prophets, cults and other various derivatives or sects of pseudo-Christianity to start up and thats what the Reformers knew would be the risk of making it so every believer could read and interpret the Scriptures for themselves. So when Scripture is examined within the whole of Scripture itself, its intended meaning will be revealed, keep in mind, I am assuming you the reader is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, a scientist or philosopher would not be able to understand it even with what I will share, without Him (God the Son) living in the heart of the reader. The good news is, the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) of the New Testament are simple enough, a child could understand it and be saved by faith that will produce good works, and deep enough that a Theologian could drown in the richness of their given depths and understandings. So thats why we need to be regularly reading it, developing our discernment skills upon reading them as they were intended, Scripturally. They interpret themselves really, but we must walk everything we hear, see and read in light of Scripture as our final authority, because in the end, it will be, and we know it is! So when you are reading the Bible: Try LEGACY reading! L Search for the (where)(Location) of what you are reading is taking place, what was the culture like then and there. E Next (why) is it happening? Get the (Essence) of what is said in regard to whatever its about, see who all is involved in the text. G Then look at the literary form (How) which its written (Genre) (historical narrative, poetry, wisdom, parable, metaphors, types and/or shadows). A Next its important to understand the one (who) wrote what you are reading (Authorship), what were they going through when it was written, their personality, vocation, and circumstances need to be considered when reading their point of view. Thats why the Gospels give separate accounts, at different times through their own experience and through knowing the ones who witnessed the things written about. C The most crucial of all points is to know the (Context) of (what) is going on, dont walk into the middle of a movie or conversation and assume you know all that was said based on past experiences, that would be foolish. Y Finally, when reading the Bible, it helps tremendously to know (when) the Scripture you are reading took place, (Years) to know the culture and contemporary customs of those days in history. I pray this helps you to better understand and maximize your Bible reading experience and you will certainly be blessed, enlightened and admonished with wisdom and guided by the principles given, and through that due diligence you will discover as I did, the abundant relentless Love and burning passion the God of the Holy Bible has for you, and you will be reassured of your Eternal future with Him, and the struggles you face in this temporal life will pale in comparison with the exceedingly overwhelming joy you will experience in your life when He is in your heart. You and your world view will be forever changed and you will encounter Jesus as He is, God, Savior, Redeemer, Lord of lords, King of Kings and the Prince of Peace! God bless you who will do this!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:27:20 +0000

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