Often times, a little Truth goes a long way ... [while at other - TopicsExpress


Often times, a little Truth goes a long way ... [while at other times, this only comes after we have crucified others, or ourselves, because of, with or despite that Truth] Certainly a little Discernment [Sanskrit VIVEKA] also goes a long way, though we must always be willing to refine our conclusions, and throw open our limited understandings to the Intuition, our higher, spiritual faculties and `Buddha Nature. With [even a little, even semi-intelligent] reflection, I can see which of our greed- and power-driven, selfishly-motivated, closed-minded `leaders are heavily swayed or steered by the Dark Brothers. Can you? Not just in politics but in banking, in merchandising and advertising, in the insurance INDUSTRY - and certainly its partner in crime, `Big Pharm ... within the popular media, and yes, IF we allow it, within the grassroots, social or popular `FREE networking organizations, web sites, portals ... in all of these areas, there is the choice presented to us every day to Sit on the Fence, or to CHOOSE SIDES. Even when we play ostrich-head-in-the-sand, we still have made such a choice. And these choices impact our planet, our entire Humanity [and other planets, other Humanities] for AGES, for millennia to come. Do I know this, `personally and firsthand? Yes I do, and I do mean from both sides of the `fence. The `Mother of the New Era herself [by all rights and means] once told me, in her present human embodiment and incarnation [Initiatic, but non-Adeptic, contrary to some peoples opinions] ... that we must not Throw out the baby with the bathwater. And thus, of Tibetan Buddhist inclination, she assured me that she remains - a Christian deep down, or in her `heart of hearts. Ironic, since in her better-known appearance two centuries ago she wasnt exactly the greatest champion or advocate of the Christian Church. Then again, I havent been either, this time around. But I am not a total Fool, and I have not let her words go unheeded, much as I have studied and meditated upon them ... as she both wrote them, and also spoke them to me during a relationship of several years. No, for all my fuelishness, I remain one of the most knowledgeable, SANE individuals you will ever meet, and have recollections of 3500 years [or access to such] to support such a statement. But I am concerned, when we do continue on in such apathy, such ignorance or nescience, and such complacency, going about our Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, hardly paying attention at all [any more, if ever we did] to the Spirit of the Season - ubiquitous and Universal as such happens to be, locally celebrated at the Solstice, and but 3 months away from the Season of RESURRECTION, or NEW LIFE, that Springtime of Aries in which CONCEPTION leads, naturally enough last time I checked, to a curious phenomenon known as BIRTH, 9 months later. So, even if takes a little help, I consider it worthwhile going through our THINKING process[es] once or twice again, being willing to see what the Church HAS helped us to understand, rescuing the `baby from the dirty bathwater of ecclesiasticism and stupor-stition, and then drawing the obvious, natural, SCIENTIFIC conclusions. But, if that hasnt led you yet to a realization of Life-beyond-physical-death, or to the role of the Devic Kingdom each Solstice season about this time [despite humans strange preoccupation with the blindness of the materialistic `dance of death] ... then dont worry. You will have additional, further chances: Each day of the rest of this life, each day of your life which follows that (timeless, amazing as they will be, as always), and pretty much every day of that New Cycle which comes for, includes and involves, us all. Yeah, no matter what you believe. Or think you know. Or even if you dont really want to be a part of it. Did I mention apathy? How about, Dont confuse me with the facts; my mind is already made up [closed]. Well, if it bothers you, to hell with my commentary/editorial, but do take a look at some of the teachings shared by [another] one with firsthand, direct knowledge, experience and EVIDENCE - of pretty much all, or most - of the things we all know deep down, and toward which we all collectively strive [at least at our best], being as how we really already know the power, the potential, the capacity of the human being, our minds, our hearts, our future. I know of so many DOZENS of groups, of individuals, and even of various Movements, century after century, millennium after millennium, which have sought and Seek to bring the Truth to a spiritually hungry Humanity. We must learn to Love and care for one another, to guard and guide [without imposing our own will, or ideas, forcefully upon others - even if we do have one helluva 6th Ray streak, and sordid past] ... and to guarantee that those who are the subject of this entry of J.J. Deweys, DO NOT further overshadow our efforts as we move into the Age of Enlightenment, of Brotherhood, and of spiritual Service. The things I could say, further, which continue to amaze me every single day of my life ... are far out of proportion to what I do not know, or have not experienced, in my twoscore & one, or over the course of 7 incarnations of which I have some conscious recollection and awareness. But Ive never been a good Socratic, or that humble, and whoever the heck Plato has turned out to be among the Elder Brothers, I do still know plenty about overshadowings going on - for 150 years and more - by and thanks to the Forces of Light and Love. I dont give a damn about peoples cynicism & personal skepticism. Frankly, I have my own to wrestle with, and enough dark karma to bury me any day of any week of any year. But I have experienced far more than would be necessary for any intelligent, any Rational, any reasonable and any SANE human [or perhaps non-human] being to KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, most of the things which I do ... ahh. How does it go? Thus have I heard ... I confess it not low, I shout it from the rooftops. But as I also know how, whereby and WHY I know, I would far prefer to just abstract myself from the picture [you have no idea] and see the Future STAND Revealed. But did *you* know, that just as surely as talk does not cook the rice, so too the seed does not sew itself, or the harvest make its way to the supermarket by pure willpower? As one of my older Brothers on the Path has put it, If you want the potatoes, you gotta pick up the hoe. Verily so! Dont worry. I will do my best to spare my FB friends the majority of my unproductive, or only semi-inspired, questionable rants. I do at least try to avoid political & purely polemical bickering. But yeah, I do see the hand of the Dark Brothers, plenty active and effective, in events today ... just as we all, unless we are blind & dumb, can see and hear the EVIDENCE of the Reappearance [and Externalization, and Restoration] in the world today. An open mind can verify and confirm pretty damn well anything and everything I dare to claim or suggest, about the world of spiritual realities, about the many non-Earth-originating Civilizations which are assisting us at this time one way or the other (present upon the globe in incarnation, out of incarnation, visiting in extra-dimensional craft, or linked via the higher planes - via interplanetary, also intra-Solar means, etc.) and as concerns individual and group overshadowings. Although there are frustrating events, certainly in our individual lives, as well as in our communities, within the nation, and across the globe, we all must surely know by now that it is OUR CHOICES which pave the way for - whatever future we are willing to accept. We can take some of the unpleasantness lying down, without lube, and then blame `the other guy for our unwillingness to act. Or we can play our part, as best we perceive it, with stern resolve, with earnest aspiration, looking `above, and helping `below. We can, if we are ready, commit ourselves by CHOOSING to walk the higher path, and by doing all that is in our power to PREPARE ourselves for this path - involving Study, Meditation and Service ... and including Prayer, Purification, Patience and Persistence. I have learned, and continue to learn - both firsthand and by, through, observing and participating in the lives, struggles, Joys, successes & failures - of my Friends and Group Brothers ... that it is never wise to judge unquestioningly or harshly, or in fact to practice anything other than Loving-Wise Compassion and the Viveka type of dispassionate discernment, when it comes to estimating the spiritual status, past accomplishments, or future destiny of a Brother on the Path. In this way, at least in my own past, during THIS incarnation, and also through other good fortune (or Karma), I have been able to verify everything from the objectivity of the afterlife, how that essentially proceeds for us all (and in *most* cases, including many exceptions which Ive been able to imagine or experience), to the conditions and circumstances which govern our return to incarnation, WHY & HOW this proceeds relative to the lives of those with whom we have traveled through life - again & again & again ... and ranging to speculations upon the Supreme Cosmic Logos, however apparently fruitless these may seem to be, relevant as it most certainly is to our 2nd-Ray [`God is LOVE] Solar Logos, the Seven Logoi of our System, and the intricate webs of relationships upon every plane, binding atom to atom, cell to cell, organ/system to organ/system, person to person, group to group, planet to planet, Star to Star, and so forth. Yes, I know about the `invisible man in the sky syndrome, and how horrible it can be to condemn ourselves, let alone others, to a future of unnecessary suffering or self-/persecution. We may not quite be past it, but if you care about such things (and the correcting of our thinking processes), and want to move past the `Santa Claus god ... do at least realize that yes, dark forces do exist, seeking to maintain the status quo, and no - the worst of these are NOT in human incarnation [nor is it the `Churchs fault], but rather, they use the unwitting, unthinking and sometimes innocuous-seeming human mind, with all of its mortal limits & shortcomings, to further their selfish, frightening ends. Remember, youre only paranoid - if there are no `bad men out to get you. Knowing what you must surely be at least `a little aware of, which side of the Battle would you prefer to be on? And if the fence-sitting gets sore on the butt, which imaginary invisible man will you pray to? Talk to me, and Ill give you 1,001 names you havent tried yet, but if you have half a bead on the Truth, you know that it - REALLY DOESNT MATTER. And hilarious as is the Family Guy take on it [I think Brian asks Jesus which religion is correct, and he sure gets a good answer] ... what I mean is, `As a man thinketh in his heart, SO he is. Walking on water, which I do wish I had mastered by now, is not a magic trick, unless you think mastery of the astral-emotional body is some kind of White Magic. Hang on a second ... But do I know those who are Transfigured? Sure. And Teachers, veritable Swans, *Great* Swans? Of course. But these do not simply `walk on water, or through walls, or sky-walk, They LIVE the Teachings which I study, and which are found at the heart, at the core, of all the worlds religions. They embody, and demonstrate, on EVERY plane, the Heart and the Love of God ... which also means that They are the PROOF of Goodness, and Their sincerest Hope for us all is that we might `hurry up, and get on with our [Spiritual] Evolution. Anything less, is a waste of time. Anything less, is a life without Purpose ... although, just observe, how diverse, how dynamic, how multifaceted and all-embracing, all-inclusive is that Planetary Purpose, that enfolding Compassionate LOVE, which brought into incarnation that Being `In Whom WE live, and move, and have OUR being. I dont care if youre Christian, Pagan, Buddhist or agnostic, but for [y/our/Gods/everyones] sake, please at least be sure to make this the BEST Christmas you possibly can. Period. I will pledge to you now, to do a little better, about making good on some - apparently fairly ancient - vows, along the same lines, and inclination. NAMASKAR p.s. - I sometimes wish I could just beam some of this, you know, like from my Ajna, or forehead, or Right Eye [Buddhic] ... and then again, George Harrison reminds us that - it is already so: `The Light that has Lighted, the World In this, and other ways, all that we are IS communicated - via the world of thought and of the Intuition - between each & every one of the 100s, 1000s, of people we meet, or pass on the highway, or see on TV, EVERY single day. In some cases, the brain may register a tiny, glimmering hint of this truth. Or not! Think about that. ;)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 22:54:36 +0000

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