Often times when we talk about Companion Planting we discuss the - TopicsExpress


Often times when we talk about Companion Planting we discuss the plants that play nice together and should always be planted side-by-side in our gardens. Not too often do we talk about those plants that just don’t get along. Even though we love having sunflowers in the neighborhood they sure don’t play well with others. They emit a toxin from their roots that inhibits other plants from growing too close to them as they want all the nutrients in the surrounding soil. Who knew? Anything in the bean family, whether it is string green beans or bush beans all the way to lima beans don’t get along with quite a few other vegetables. Their biggest nemeses in the garden are chives, garlic, leeks, and onions. They are not fans of bulb-type vegetables! Beans also don’t do well with peppers, either the sweet green peppers or their fiery cousins the jalapeños. Another plant that beans don’t get along with are marigolds, which are typically crowd pleasers as they deter pests. In fact, all the plants that the bean family shuns are those that deter pests. Peas are cousins to beans and they also loathe the bulb veggies including chives, garlic, leeks, and onions. Both broccoli and cauliflower have a few enemies in the vegetable world. They are not fans of peppers, all types of squash including yellow squash and even pumpkins. They don’t care for strawberries or tomatoes either. Besides cauliflower and broccoli, steer clear of planting cilantro and cucumbers near tomatoes. Dill and carrots would rather be at other ends of the planter bed too. Let us know if you have any other suggestions for non-companion plantings!
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 11:29:31 +0000

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