Ogadenia military have launches a massive attack on Ethiopian - TopicsExpress


Ogadenia military have launches a massive attack on Ethiopian military the latest we received from the battlefield onlf constantly engaging real war since this Ramadan began, the latest passive escalation of the Ogaden territory dispute, onlf has highly training Soldiers, admitted to defend in their land in their land,but heavily disputed who control the land,in between Ogaden nation and Ethiopia administraion regime eyewitness report says onlf increasingly launches a massive attack on Ethiopia military they targeted all Ethiopian military bases in Ogadenia territory including heavy loses on Ethiopian military side, according private Media report says onlf constantly heat up sources of the conflict in Ogadenia, while Ethiopia controlled the Ogaden for nearly 60 years, or more but Ogaden Citizens are own the the territory their is no debate the conflict will be escalated in between the two countries,many nations are concerned this unstable region can be affected global issues, when Ethiopia admitted human rights violations, in Ogaden, The United Nations and decision makers may could solve this long conflict as separation in between Ogadenia and Ethiopia, and lived side by seide and peace the whole world still Recognize South sudan when both sides agreed to End their conflict as separation peace talk both now lived side by side and peace Ethiopia administration tried everything they can, to Ended in Ogadenia war by militaty forces by they failed more than 9 times,when the Ogaden Nation Liberation Front onlf defeat on Ethiopian militay so badly,they have only two choice either to End of this war and similar of south sudan,style.as two countries who lived side by side and peace or to choose to continues to this hard war may could cost collapse of all entire Ethiopia Administration,in the future
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 03:16:19 +0000

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