Oghh) Our “independent” media recognize their way of report - TopicsExpress


Oghh) Our “independent” media recognize their way of report quite openly ))) Ukrainian Independent media-union issued the instruction for journalists about the way of highlighting war in the East Ukraine. It is published in the site of National Journalists’ association. Journalists are advised not to show killed people and not to use the words ‘corpses’, ‘dead bodies’ because the view of dead bodies may demoralize the parents of soldiers and then they may try to do everything so that prevent sending their son to the front”. Media are advised not to use Youtube-videos downloaded ‘by opposite side’ (e.g. the conversations with captive soldiers). If a journalist got news about hardships with supply for Ukrainian militaries – he is advised not to air such a report until there appear the possibility to report about the improvement of the situation (or at least about a promise of its improvement). Moreover, Ukrainian journalists are also advised not to report about “factional divisions and infighting”. In case you have the report even about defeat – you shouldn’t end it with ‘feeling of hopeless”. The whole text of the instruction: nmpu.org.ua/2014/06/pamyatka-dlya-pratsivnykiv-zmi-schodo-vysvitlennya-bojovyh-dij/?fb_action_ids=10202133529915554&fb_action_types=og.recommends
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 06:15:47 +0000

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