Ogun State Youths Declares Governor Amosun Persona Non Grata It - TopicsExpress


Ogun State Youths Declares Governor Amosun Persona Non Grata It has become imperative for us as a body to come out at this moment to air our views too on the governance of our dear state. We deliberately waited this long to give room for improvement on the part of the government judging by various criticism that trail the government since inception. We purposely stay out of all these so that any ulterior motive will not be read into any position we take believing that we are being sponsored by anybody, political party or organization. We humbly ask in what way has this government risen up for the youths across the state. When we talk of education, we believe it is nothing to write home about right from primary schools to the secondary schools and up to the tertiary institutions in the state. It would surely be very hard to pinpoint to any meaningful development that this crucial sector of the economy has enjoyed since the inception of this administration when research had openly shown that education is more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. It is one of the most important investments a country can make in its people and its future and is critical to reducing poverty and inequality. If all students in low income countries left school with basic reading skills 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty. Why is it now so difficult for our governor to invest handsomely in educational development of the state. His Excellency is still on tape promising heaven on earth during his campaign to election as well as his oat taking into the office of the executive governor of the state, we all knew what has become of the 50% reduction in schools fees of all tertiary institutions in the state His Excellency promised on assumption of office. The fate of the so much advertised model schools this administration dissipates so much energy instead of fixing the numerous existing schools across the state. We are also aware of the fate of young children in both primary and secondary where “free education” is promised and well advertised to the extent that parents are now lackadaisical to their responsibilities believing that as promised the government have taken full charge of their wards education. Books were only distributed in the 1st year of this administration, what again since then. Aside the above in which way has this administration impacted on the teaming youths of the state, ranging from unemployed graduates which last administration do pay stipends while in office and empowering many artisans who have learn one form of trade or the other to better their life and that of their immediate family. All we keep getting is mere lip service to germane issues that affects the youths directly. We leave other sector of the five cardinal point (which include health, agriculture, housing, commerce and the likes) His Excellency makes his blueprint on assumption of office to others to talk about as it is quite evident that all others sectors are also not getting the needed attention that could propel the state to be among the envious states in the federation. We believe the day could still be young for His Excellency to redeem his battered image within the state by engaging and channelling resources into more people oriented and masses friendly programme and stop the plan of putting the state in perpetual debt. No doubt history will surely judge us all here and hereafter. Kareem Saheed President, Ogun State Youths Association of Nigeria
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 23:18:32 +0000

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