Oh -no, no, no, no, no NO, Sirrreeeeee!!!! I DO NOT AGREE with - TopicsExpress


Oh -no, no, no, no, no NO, Sirrreeeeee!!!! I DO NOT AGREE with some of the comments I see posted!!! First -did you *read* AUTISTIC ?????? This is a DISABLED person. He does not process your actions towards him the way healthy people do -he DOES not process DIRECTIVES the way healthy people do! Now -the cops shown here -they, in their day-to-day duties have mountains of experience in separating the haves from the have nots when it comes to everyday *discernment* of who has their faculties about them and can understand commands and directives -and who does not. For Gods sake -most of us can figure out who has taken their meds that morning and who hasnt in the grocery store! These cops had to have known the man was not all there -even I can tell it from the video. They had their heads up their as*ses. They were just aggravated with him and -instead of using common sense and some alternative intervention that would have been more appropriate for the situation- they allowed it to escalate to the boiling point. They knew what they were doing. And -hey- lets not forget that the videotape was running and they knew they had to make it look good, so they provided enough verbal script to make things sound good to support what they were doing. No -this wasnt right. I agree its always best to NOT resist any arrest of a police officer BUT this was wrong from the get-go and the officers knew there was something just not right about the mental capacity of the guy and they *chose* to ignore that and continue as if he was not disabled. Ill probably take heat for this post but -this happens too much and somebodys gotta stand up and be willing to take a beating for whats right! Bring it.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:29:04 +0000

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