Oh LAWD!! Im gonna have to teach my wife! Things NOT to do on - TopicsExpress


Oh LAWD!! Im gonna have to teach my wife! Things NOT to do on Atlantas MARTA...OR ANYWHERE!! This is a long one...so brace yourself. 1.) When getting on a packed train, if you see 17 empty seats, in one section, you did NOT win the seat lottery. Something is wrong. WRONG! 2.) IF sitting in the middle of all those empty seats is ONE passenger, trust that there is something WRONG with that ONE passenger! 3.)IF that one passenger is sitting in his own piss and shit...THATS WHATS WRONG WITH HIM! Here go Michelle...she, Emma and I get on the Marta after a long day traveling on Megabus from DC. Michelle and Emma gets on ahead of me and finds a group of seats and sits. I make my way down the car to her and Emma only to discover Michelle is sitting RIGHT next to some dirty, greasy unkept guy. I sit but I quickly notice NO ONE is sitting in this immediate area. I also catch a smell that apparently my wife missed. I move across the aisle and end up getting a better look at this guy. He is soaking wet between his legs...just wreaking of urine. Child...oh...it gets better. HE...ASK...TO...BORROW...HER...PHONE...TO...MAKE...A...CALL...TO...HIS...SISTER. :-| AND SHE SAID YES! :-| I spoke up and said Youre not gonna get a signal in here. Thinking Im saving her. No. She says, Ok...well call when were in the open. When I tell you everyone in ear shot of this exchange slumped in their spirit!! We get out in the open, still on the train, she dials the number for him. Im thinking shes going to put the phone on mute and hold her phone while dude talks. That, Ive done before. Im not heartless, but I aint no fool either! I aint handing my phone to no stranger! Michelle did. Spirits slumped! He aint talking...and the train is slowing down for the next station and Im thinking Im gonna have to chase down this big ass wet drippy nasty dude over my wifes phone. Seriously?! I say Michelle, get your phone. Dude starts talking as if leaving a message. He hands Michelle her phone, which she barely takes between her fingers. Dudes says mind if I make another call? Ill give you 50 cents. A young lady sitting near us...her spirit slumped all out in the open. I looked down on the floor, next to his foot, and I see a wad of toilet paper...covered in poop. Yep! The final straw was the man was sitting with his own sh!t next to his feet. SLUMPED!! I had my family get up and move. A young man we didnt know told Michelle, Maam you must sanitize your whole entire phone before you use it again. I told her to squirt the hand sanitizer directly on the phone. My sister said she need to use Clorox wipes. LMAO! And to finish...one stop from our stop...dude pulls a camo hunting bag out from under his seat, leaned over it wringing his hands. I told my wife and grandchild to get their stuff and be ready to get the hell up off this train!! Child...SLUMPED!! LOL!! Michelle, whats your version?
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:07:25 +0000

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