Oh LORD, as I turn a year older today my thoughts turn to You. - TopicsExpress


Oh LORD, as I turn a year older today my thoughts turn to You. What really do I ask of You, Lord, on the occasion of my birthday this year? Do I ask for PROSPERITY so that all my needs might be met and all my bills paid? Do I ask for PEACE that I might not be burdened nor threatened by the storms and vicissitudes of life? Do I ask for POWER – power with You and with men – that I might overcome any and every challenge both human and non-human? Do I ask for FAVOR that I might dwell in relative peace and tranquility with men and in the world of men? Do I ask for GOOD HEALTH that I may live long and healthy enough so I can fulfill every jot of Your plan and purpose for me? Do I ask for more ANOINTING that I might serve Your purpose and intention more efficiently and effectively in this world? LORD, I could ask You for all these and more but this is what I choose to ask You today on the eve of my birthday: I ask You for WISDOM to count my days and thus apply Your ‘intelligence’ to everything around me. I ask for INSIGHT into your Word that I may know Your heart more and more. I ask for PURITY of HEART that I may walk and work more closely with You and not just for You. I ask for GRACE to be not just a minister pleasing to You but to be the best HUSBAND my wife could have and to perfectly represent You as a FATHER to my three lovely kids who You have graciously and mercifully given to me as gifts. Much more I ask that Your presence might not leave me and that I enjoy a more intimate relationship with Your Holy Spirit. On this my birthday, I look forward not just to accolades and awards but only to the reward that You alone can give. As the coming of Your Son is imminent, and the end of the end-times come upon this earth, my desire is that I might live and reign with You in Heaven. This is my ultimate priority and prayer. So, dear LORD, from me to You, I offer myself afresh to You and to Your purpose for my life, as a living sacrifice. I come in the volume of the books as it is written of me, to do Your will, Oh God!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 06:32:50 +0000

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