Oh Port Jeff line you never let me down... PSA: If you are a - TopicsExpress


Oh Port Jeff line you never let me down... PSA: If you are a disgusting racist pig you should probably keep your comments to yourself. The white man doesnt own America, they kind of stole it. Settled/Stolen its logistics I know, but your sense of entitlement is seriously misplaced. You are not entitled to a promotion because you come to work on time... you have to earn that. No one wants to hear your filthy mouth so please hush. How bout this... put down the McDonalds, go to a gym, take vitamins, loose about 100 pounds and you wont be out of breath running to catch a train for your crappy job. You didnt get promoted because you are obviously a moron, it had nothing to do with EOE. I am an authority on this because: A. You havent brushed your hair in days and since you said you had your second interview this morning, that says it all. B. I can pick a moron a mile away and if you are so out of shape you cant walk down a flight of steps maybe 2 quarter pounders, a large fry And an Apple pie was a bad life choice. That coupled with the fact we all see your fly is down because your shirt is hanging out of it is frightening. C. You have stains on your tie that are not from today, dress for the job you want, not the one you have And finally.... D. A 3 letter word that would come before Lanka is Sri. Your friend is correct. It is not spelt Siri. Siri is the annoying woman that lives in your phone and reminds you to brush your hair. I am assuming you think she is annoying because you didnt do it. No manager would let you be the assistant manager if you do not lead by example.... especially a well known book store when sri and Siri are confusing. Sending someone to the technical manual section instead of travel is an obvious problem. I hate people that make excuses for themselves instead of just accepting a flaw and trying to fix it. This guy will be single and live with his mom for the rest of her life... and then end up on an episode of hoarders when no one is around to clean his room anymore. Cleavage lady is in a good mood... she gets off the train soon and as usual is looking for her wedding ring... My finger is throbbing so I am holding my hand up in the direction of the racist guy. Or maybe it is not throbbing and Im just silently expressing my opinion of his cross banter with his buddy from work. (Who btw is mortified) ;)
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 22:41:35 +0000

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