Oh, Sarah; This Black Man Aint Playing Cards! BJFerguson There - TopicsExpress


Oh, Sarah; This Black Man Aint Playing Cards! BJFerguson There is something to be said for the sort of insurrection that allows idiots to believe themselves geniuses. It is, if nothing else, often entertaining, although most of us grow quite weary, quite rapidly, of that sort of entertainment……And so it is, with our loudest, most prolific idiot, Wasilla’s witless wonder, herself, old Half-term-Sarah. No, this idiot is no genius, as we all can readily attest, but she can often be entertaining, as we collectively wait and wonder what lunacy she’ll spew next. The truth of the matter is, however, Palin’s mouth and ignorance are conjoined twins, thus, the wait is hardly ever a wait, at all. On Monday, the national holiday in remembrance of an American hero, an intelligent Black man, who personified the art of peaceful insurrection, Palin attempted to educate the President on how best to behave, as a Black man….because, of course; who would know better the plight of Black men in America, than the lily-white, far right, Palin? In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. she pleaded, via social media, stop playing the Race card, Mr. President. What she should have added to her plea, was, because only White Republicans are allowed to play the Race card, you know, like when we need to scare old White voters, and such. Palin’s suggestion was a direct response to something the President said, recently, in an interview, in The New Yorker; “There is no doubt that there’s some folks who really don’t like me, because they don’t like the idea of a Black President.” I’m fairly certain that statement was not news to any of us, not even that obtuse opportunist. And, I fail to comprehend how stating the obvious can be interpreted as “playing the Race Card….especially in view of all the hatred and obstructionism that this President has incurred, since he had the sheer audacity to be elected. But, the second part of that statement was, “Now, the flip-side of it is, there are some Black folks, and maybe some White folks, who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt, precisely because I’m a Black President.” Well, that shoots that whole Race-Card-thing to hell. It sounds to me, and probably anyone else with more than a single-cell-brain, that this man, this Black President, was simply explaining the basic facts of human nature, as it pertains to the identification and consideration of individuals and their Race. And more explicitly, the pros and cons of being America’s first Black President. I think the thing that really bugs the pitiful Palin, and the other idiots that share her brain, is that this particular Black man, like other Black men in our American history, who’ve achieved notoriety, fortune, respect, and especially power, our President will be remembered for the good he’s been able to do, and not because he was a hoodie-wearing teenager, shot to death, on some Florida street, by a trigger-happy cop-wannabe, or because he was some drugged-out loser, who robbed a liquor store and shot the elderly owners. He is the shining reminder to America’s Black youth, that being Black in America may make it more difficult to achieve, but it does not render success totally impossible. And, by being that shining reminder to the Black youth, it is also an ugly reminder to the White Establishment, that being White in America, is no longer a guarantee that you’ll always be the Big Boss, who gets to tell Black folks how to behave. At any rate, the hoopla that was created by the Witless Wonder, has managed to keep her in the news again, and therefore, relevant, for another 15 minutes, at least. This, I believe is her only intent, as she continues to bait the ignorant racists of America, with her passive-aggressive idiocy, aimed at further dividing our nation, perhaps in hopes of gaining a new gaggle of honking fools, who’ll support her political aspirations. Or maybe she’s really that stupid, and simply doesn’t see that, of all the people who should instruct the President on how to be a Black man, she’s too much of a joke to ever be considered valid. Either way, like an 80s sit-com, she has long-since ceased to be entertaining, and none of us are hoping to catch her re-runs. So, from me to you, dear Half-term-Sarah, for the good of the nation, please shut the f**k up, stay off of social media, and go away. I’ve had toilet stains and viruses that were both, easier to tolerate, and a hell of a lot easier to get rid of, than you!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 18:54:23 +0000

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