Oh Tom, How hrazhdanka Poland and killing people in the Donbass - TopicsExpress


Oh Tom, How hrazhdanka Poland and killing people in the Donbass pыtala 24/12/2014 - 19:55 in the world Remember, I obeschal Story of punitive IZ bandformyrovanyya Aydar», which pыtaly people in the city Happiness (FSC Territory, temporarily okkupyrovannaya Ukraynoy) and okrestnostyah? Obeschal - rasskazыvayu. hrazhdanka Poland and killing people in the Donbass pыtala Nachnёm with hrazhdanky Poland Neko Bianca Zalevskoy. Masters Zalevskaya in Ukrainian media for some reason fyhuryruet Like polskaya zhurnalystka. In mid-summer ÎÍÀ have obtained ranenye, As reported ukroSMY - Heavy travmы have obtained a result of the shot sniper-wheel car in terrorysta battalion Aydar . Lechylas in Kharkiv, a military hospital. For schёt state Ukraine, way, lechylas. Here Her quote IZ tohdashneho interview: Would like to share all, someone in the zone of ATO: If You already there - ostavaytes to end. I know that This is bыt Can tyazhelaya price, but This is need it. I uzhasayus in Poland is something vyzhu. Ukraine spasaet all Europe from Russia. I keep my fingers crossed for you, zhelayu uspehov and Avto War zakonchylas bыstree pobedoy Ukraine. Vzhlyanyte pictured gentlemen Zalevskoy. You may not smuschaet then that «zhurnalystka odeta in camouflage? Nadeau Paulhaguet, something employee odevayutsya More media brosko, Emos, OTLYCHALY from voennыh - Can Otherwise im threatened danger. But Bianca odeta in camouflage. And now Most ynteresnoe. I vstrechalsya s rights, Kotor pыtaly boevyky IZ bandformyrovanyya Aydar. And What are you thinking? In doprosah and torture, notwithstanding boevykov Aydar prynymala participate ... Bianca Zalevskaya! Ymenno togda became known, something Bianca - nykakaya not zhurnalystka, ÎÍÀ sniper. Actually boevyky эtoho and not skrыvaly. Why not skrыvaly? Do not think something as witnesses ostanetsya zhyvыh (I udachlyvыe plennyky long ago on Light Volume). But emu lucky - bыl metabolism, and ego included in the list. Included, for vsey visibility in speshke without thought. We promulgate names and photos vseh colleagues Zalevskoy, prychastnыh for torture and yzdevatelstvam over myrnыm citizens and militias. Part IZ are already opoznaly - no peace without dobrыh people and bыvshaya Ukraine - BOLSHAIa wood, everything they know each other. My colleagues and I on the draft White Paper Set all usylyya, Avto Zalevskaya and Her podelnyky zasluzhennoe uholovnoe suffered punishment for sovershёnnыe ymi crime. Konstantin Dolgov resvesna.ru/archives/10889
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:15:15 +0000

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