Oh! You A Good Muslim Remember the Destroyer of Desires - TopicsExpress


Oh! You A Good Muslim Remember the Destroyer of Desires “Death“ (the tripple “D“). Dear brothers and sisters in Islam before Death approaches us we should keep in mind the following; (=>)Remembrance of Death. Always remember the Destroyer of Desires “Death“. “أكثرو من ذكر هادم اللذاة الموت“ The Hadith of Rosulullah (Sallahu alayhi was sallam). By Allah the day we forget about Death and what would take place after Death, is the day we found ourselves falling into destructions and despires following our whims, worshipping our desires, falling into sins and error, displeasing our Lord- the creator of the heavens and the earth. Some of our pious predecessors, would dig a Grave for themselves- it‘s reported that, one of them would enter it, read the the Quran and weep, when he comes out he would say “you have come back to the life, do good and fear Allah“. Some of them would hang their Kafan-the shreld they would be wrapt with when they died, all in the remembrance of Death. Now adays, some people would write on the screen saver of their computers words of the REMEMBRANCE of DEATH, it should serve not only as a remembrance of Death but also as a deterent from sites they should not be visiting. There highlighted below are some WAYS TO REMEMBER DEATH.! 1. Visiting the Graves- Prophet Mohammad (Sallalahu alayhi was salam) said; “ذورو القبور فإنها تذكركم الآخرة“ visit the Graves for verily it would remind you of the Judgement Day. 2. Sitting with the pious people- Sitting with the people of knowlegde, people of Islamic Jurispudence and the people of the fear of Allah. 3. Read the Qur‘an- Memorize the Qur‘an, Listen to the Qur‘an, ponder over it meaning and most expecially Act upon the Qur‘an. 4. Patience- Always be patient brothers and sisters in Islam. 5. Read the Histories of the Salafs soliheen (The pious predecessors)- Look into the histories of the Pious predecessors, learn their behaviours and master their attitudes. Ibn ‘umar would say “If you wake up in the morning, do not expect the evening to come about, if you are in the evening do not expect the morning to come about“ One of the Mohadiths- A‘amash; said “I did not mis the Solaat for 60yrs“, Imagine for 60yrs he did not mis the prayer, what about you can you be boast of yourself too, how many years have you used on the earth? And how many years have you left to use! Think deep. It‘s reported that one of the Taabi‘een (The students of the companions)- Sayid ibn Musaiyyib, when he was to die, his children were crying over him, then he said to them “Do not cry over me, for 40yrs the Azan (Call to a prayer) was never sounded except for I was already in the masjid of Rosulullah“. Also AsSufyaan ‘bn Saori- he would sit among people in remembrance of Allah, suddenly he would stand and shake or shiver, when people asked him “what‘s the matter?“ he would say “By Allah I just remember Death“. To connote, Imam Zahbiy added that; what contributed to AsSufyaan ‘bn saori‘s death was his LIVER being decayed as a result of his constant remembrance of Death. Likewise Uthman ‘bn Affan- he used to attend the funeral possesion and he would cry till he lose conciousness, people would then carry him as if he was a corpse, when he regained consciouness, they would ask him, what‘s the matter? He would say I heard Prophet say “القبر آول منازل الآخرة“- The Grave is the first abode of the Akhirah (The day of Judgement). Also I remind of Takwallah (Fear of Allah), when Ali ‘bn Abi Tolib was asked about Takwaah- he said “التقوى هي الخوف للجليل والعمل بتنزيل ورضى بقليل والإستعداد ليوم رحيم “ - At-takwah is to fear the whole Magnificent, and work with the revelation (the Qur‘an) and to be satisfied with what little you have and preparation for the day of Reckoning. Also I remind you to read the Mulik (suuratul Mulk)- Prophet Mohammad said “Verily there is a chapter in the Qur‘an- which contains 30 verses and would intercede for its reciter in the day of Judgement-and it is (تبارك الذي بيده الملك) blessed be He, who in his hand is the dominion“ Read this surah and Memorize it for surely it would intercede for you in the day of Judgement. Lastly remember Life is short- when Prophet Nuhu (Noah) Alayhis salaatu was salam,- the first man to have ever lived for so long on the earth, that he ued 999yrs; was asked how did you see life to be? And his reply was “I found it, as if it were a-two-door entrance where by I entered through one and straight out the other“
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 06:35:24 +0000

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