Oh, and one more thing - CONGRATULATIONS FLORIDA! As a gay man - TopicsExpress


Oh, and one more thing - CONGRATULATIONS FLORIDA! As a gay man of a certain age, I remember all too well graduating from High School on Orange Tuesday, the day The Wicked Witch of the East, Anita Bryant won her ugly battle to discriminate against other human beings that she just didnt like in Dade County Florida. If you want to find a moment in time that moved me from being a wanna-be out gay man to someone with a fire under his butt who would come out smokin, it was graduating from High School on the other side of the country from the tragic day. Of course now Im married to a Florida guy and I have in-laws in Florida. There are still really great people from Rodneys past in Florida. So I dont just see Florida as a place where that ugly thing happened years ago. Oh, also - Key West. Disney World. Miami. Art Deco. Alligators. Cuban coffee and sandwiches. One of the best pizzas Ive ever eaten in Gainesville. Colorful crazy people we read about on the West Coast and then shake our heads and cluck Florida while giving a dismissive eye roll. Cmon, can you blame us? It isnt as if there is a shortage. They are too much fun to read about so we can feel superior. But now there is a big step towards equality there. In spite of some soon to be obsolete bullies clutching their icky little claws into it. SPOILER ALERT: They all lose and die off soon. Today there is Marriage Equality, and I say GOOD JOB, FLORIDA! Congratulations Newlyweds! Now do us one more favor and keep another Bush away from the White House.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 03:54:59 +0000

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