Oh damn you both Lacy Godess and Tyree Beglarian...lol here you - TopicsExpress


Oh damn you both Lacy Godess and Tyree Beglarian...lol here you go! Come on ...Lets get to know you!!Once youve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 Random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you... 1. I work full time overnights (10pm to 7am) 2. I go to school full time for business management. 3. I have a business of my own ( Pure Romance by Sara T) 4. I desperately miss sleep! 5. Even though I have met some truly amazing people...I dream of the day I can forever walk away from my job! 6. My Mom is my biggest hero 7. I love to sew but I rarely have time anymore 8. I love animals all kinds, shapes, sizes, and breeds 9. I still cry over the loss of my Midnight and my Prince Charming (my heart will never fully heal from those two losses so close together) 10. I love to craft! Scrapbooking, crocheting, needle point, cross stitch, ect 11. I love the rain! 12. I was diagnosed with severe depression after admitting to my therapist that I wanted to hurt myself more often then I like myself. 13. I do not take any medication, but I fight really hard to keep myself level as much as I can 14. I get ridiculously excited whenever I receive a hand written letter! There is little else that consumes my mind until I can sit down and read it. 15. I love to cook, bake, and spend time in the kitchen (its where I feel most at home) 16. I feel truly accomplished in my life when I spend the day in the kitchen and I hear all of the oohs and ahs that my family makes when they finally get to enjoy my work. 17. I truly miss my mother-in-laws praise when she would come and enjoy dinner with us...no one will ever compliment me the way she did
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:31:00 +0000

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