Oh dear. The hypocrisy of the Champagne socialists know no bounds - TopicsExpress


Oh dear. The hypocrisy of the Champagne socialists know no bounds as their wittering twitterathons continue in desperation. The No Hope campaign relentlessly continue to attack Alex Salmond personally hoping if they wound him in some way the hugely positive YES campaign will collapse. The reason the YES campaign is so successful is because of its truly grassroots existence as opposed to the No Hopers who continue to resort to bussing in coachloads of paid volunteers from towns and cities in England! They employ American style campaign advisors and even had to resort to engaging Thatchers favourite ad agengy Satchi & Satchi and a proven wife-beater to change the name of their failing campaign for a 4th time! If a campaign is successful and true why change its name and identity? Any first year marketing student will question that. There are literally hundreds of organisations within the YES community operating up and down the length of Scotland independently but with the same message. In contrast the No Hope campaign is run from a central location with the same messages being installed on what is supposed to be local groups, yet when you question these groups they cant seem to reply as to any aspect of local knowledge of their supposed local area. Ask a question or air your view on a YES site and its welcomed. Do the same on a No Hope site and you get barred once central kommand logs in when they can be bothered. The YES campaign gives us the White Paper, 1000s of documents, reports, video discussions and unrestricted meetings open to the public. What do the No Hope side give us? A total failure to publish their equivalent of the SGs White Paper as required by the Electoral Commission in December 2013, closed and vetted meetings in secret locations you get the address of an hour or so before they take place after registering all your details and email so they can be scrutinised in case you were a known YES supporter, discouragement from asking any questions that werent planted or scripted beforehand, and proven rigged TV audiences via their pals in polling companies and a biased state controlled media. Ask yourself this... two campaigns. One which is truly filled with ordinary individual grassroots people, proven to be positive, informative and open with the public.... or a negative campaign, with a total failure to produce responses and official reports as required, proven to engage in smear campaigns, fear and scaremongering of the ordinary people, leaflets peppered with deliberate lies, misinformation and personal attacks... a campaign that proudly stands shoulder to shoulder and campaigns alongside with organisations such as UKIP, Britain First, BNP, EDL, the Orange Order and many other distasteful bigoted and racist views whilst pretending to officially deny their involvement. You decide... is this really the mark of an honest and open campaign... or one which despite hearing the answers already and answers to questions being freely available continue to scaremonger and promote fear over currency, pensions, border controls, and foreigner status in order to scare you into signing your future and that if your kids and future generations away. Were promised extra powers by snake oil salesmen desperate to save their own jobs, lucrative deals, perks and expenses. If we could have all these powers and they are right and proper - then why didnt they give them to us before - in the times they were in office and fully able to do so? If the No Hope Bitter Together cause was so good and true, and such a fantastic great deal... why all the personal attacks, lies, misinformation, fears, smears and negative scaremongering. Even to the ordinary person on the street with no political or marketing knowledge... a bairn wi a biscuit arse could, and can see theres only one campaign with the one true message and vision for the future of Scotland and thats YES. The information is out there. Freely available and open to all. Take the time to read, ask questions and discuss. You dont have to be any kind of political expert to do it and unlike the assertions and the message from the poor wee dumb wummin on the Bitter Together video who finds the decision soooo difficult for her poor wee brain, then makes up her mind over a cup of tea, youre fully capable of making your decision on your own. Hopefully its the right one :)
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 09:10:25 +0000

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