Oh dear oh dear Alex Hammond.. Youre inserting pop cultural - TopicsExpress


Oh dear oh dear Alex Hammond.. Youre inserting pop cultural references in Aberdeen right now about wanting an Independent Scotland. You may have your bias crowd laughing at your likeness of the UK to the bad side of the Cylons (Battle Star Galactica), the Cybermen (from Dr Who)......The, Dark Side -- from Star Wars. Whatever you want Goon. You and the Scottish people are Indeed going to be weeping uncontrollably -- in a gutter -- if Scotland vote for Independence. You simply cant afford ALL what it would imply. Youre a Muppet. To use a pop cultural reference like you -- aptly paraphrasing from the 1996 Great film Trainspotting -- where Rention/Ewan McGregor was describing what its like to experience getting a high from heroin -- What, it would be like living, in an Independent Scotland..., well, take the, exceptionally many scummy parts of Glasgow....and your other dives in your towns and cities (including Aberdeen) -- and multiply it by a thousand, and youre still nowhere near living in the one good part of, say, Fife...Celtic......., Ayrshire. The list is endless. No, contrary to what you say -- YOU, ARE NOT, GOOD ENOUGH TO RUN YOUR COUNTRY ON YOUR OWN. (Sad, but the bankrupt European Union (EU) -- if you then become a part of it Independently -- may, absurdly save you; theyd probably only be oh-so-very slightly less incompetent than yourselves at running a Country/Member States.) PS Oh, Mosby...IF, youre signed up to this site -- on a cerebral level its been a bit problematic for me but have tried to contact you in Dumfries somehow.., give me a buzz If you read this. Not spoken to you for about.., er, the six years ago from when you moved up there. ...Stop weeping over the death of Henry Hill.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 15:26:04 +0000

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