Oh, for Pete sakes! Will you Democrat baby killers, can the bull - TopicsExpress


Oh, for Pete sakes! Will you Democrat baby killers, can the bull shit?! Have you been denied coverage for preexisting conditions on president Obama’s PCIP – ‘Preexisting Condition Insurance Plan‘? Yeah, me too. Imagine my surprise when I logged onto their web site and received this message from the Health & Human Services department stating that president Obama’s “Preexisting Condition Insurance Plan” was denying me coverage? In fact, as of March 5, 2013 president Obama’s ‘Preexisting Insurance Plan” began denying everyone coverage for preexisting conditions. I remember reading an article written by HHS secretary Kathleen Sebellius and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in the Washington Post that told the story about a preschool teacher with Leukemia who was able to get coverage on the president’s new PCIP – “Preexisting Condition Insurance Plan” thanks to the passage of the president’s “Affordable Care Act”. Leukemia is a far more serious preexisting condition than I have. So why did president Obama cover her and not me? I also remember reading from the president’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website that his Preexisting Condition Insurance Plan would last until 2014 when the new health insurance exchanges open under the “Affordable Care Act”. So why is the President denying me coverage for preexisting conditions? The Health Care.gov website says it’s because “the program has a limited amount of funding from Congress.” This can’t possibly be about money! Everyone deserves quality health care right? Surely, the president would make sure there was enough money to cover Americans with preexisting conditions. How can the president’s HealthCare.gov site blame Congress when he said in his last State of the Union address: “If Congress won’t act soon to protect future generations, I will.” ----------- So president Obama will act without Congress for funding on ‘Climate Change’ but blame Congress for not appropriating enough money to cover my preexisting condition? Why would the President lie to me and deny me coverage for preexisting conditions? Well, I did some research and it turns out he has lied to me before regarding preexisting conditions. In fact, he has lied many times. Remember when President Obama said “Health Insurance companies can raise your premiums when you get sick” and “Health insurance companies can cancel your coverage when you get sick”? The truth is that Federal laws established more than 17 years ago already prohibit any Health Insurance company from raising your health insurance premium when you get sick or from ‘canceling coverage when you get sick.’ To add insult to injury, the President told the following LIES during a joint session of congress. Watch what he said below: csteventucker.wordpress/2013/04/01/the-truth-about-preexisting-conditions/
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 22:57:36 +0000

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