Oh geez, how did I get suckered into this? My number is 11 but - TopicsExpress


Oh geez, how did I get suckered into this? My number is 11 but thats ALOT so I will see what I can come up with. 1. I secretly think I may have been a dog or some other animal in my past life. I love them way more than may even be healthy. I am grateful that I have made friends with other people who probably were dogs as well. Or at least share my insanity. 2. I hold grudges. I put up with a lot from people but when you cross the line with me or my family, there is usually no going back. 3. I think my mom is just about the most perfect person on earth. She can do anything and she lives in this naïveté that her husband, kids and grand kids are perfect. If only she could lower her voice an octave. 4. I hate my muffin top. I still blame it on the birth of my twins 16 years ago. 5. I think I am a lot more like my dad than my mom. I tend to hide out at home, enjoy being antisocial and would rather be in complete silence than in conversation. I dont think thats a bad thing although Bob might disagree. 6. I was attracted to Bob at a bar while drunk, singing Grandpa with my friend Debbie, because I liked his curly hair. 7. I love horseback riding. But I wish I was braver. I am tense the whole time I ride, and say a prayer each time that I will live through the ride. I would be a better rider if I wasnt afraid. Maybe I should drink before I get on a horse, or are there laws against that? 8. I have always wanted to be a mortician. I am fascinated by death and what happens to the human body both physically and spiritually. I never pursued it because I thought people would think Im weird. They do anyway tho. 9. I always wanted to adopt my kids. I grew up with neighbors who adopted 5 kids from Vietnam. I have known since 2nd grade that I would adopt an Asian child. I tell Clara that I waited my whole life for her. I cant wait to have little Asian grandchildren. But she says shes have blonde haired, blue eyes babies so.... 10. I love having twins. I felt like the luckiest person in the world when my doctor told me. He was a jokester, so I thought he was tricking me. I waited a half hour and called back the nurse to confirm that he was telling the truth. My dads first words upon hearing the news was ohhhhh you are in trouble now 11. I am a neat freak. I like my house clean and orderly. The problem is I have too many kids and animals and husbands who arent neat freaks. It disrupts my sense of calm. I still fight to rise above them. Whew! Thats over. And I came up with 11!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:54:46 +0000

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