Oh, hell. I might as well wade in to this Mozilla firestorm - - TopicsExpress


Oh, hell. I might as well wade in to this Mozilla firestorm - what there is of a firestorm. I think of it more as parochial tempest. Andrew Sullivan - proving his power as a blogger - went apoplectic yesterday on his website and yet again went after members of the gay left, which in his cultural worldview are always the culprits. Whenever he sees an opening to exploit his pathological disdain for the gay left, he takes it and runs with it. And then, proving his power, many of us tend to see a story through his prism. His taking this resignation of Mozillas chairman and making it about his perceived gay enemies on the left once again was so hyperbolical as to be laughable and even a bit sad at this point. Its certainly become predictable. He has a knee-jerk reaction to go for the rhetorical jugular when he perceives the gay lefties have been up to some political correctness. It is personal to him. I understand it because he has in the past been attacked nastily and wrongly and personally by some on the left. But we need to all take a step back from seeing this story only through his very personal prism of animus toward those on the gay left and see it for what it is: a business story. I live out here in tech land now in San Francisco and this story has not played out here as it is playing out in the NY/DC corridor where Andrew and his readers are hashing it out. It is being played out as a tech business story about a company and its employees and the culture in which they exist. It has not had a gay-left-wanting-scalps-angle at all. That is Andrews creation and one that too many people have been willing to buy into. I have made other points on threads over at David Mixners and Peter Staleys pages about other aspects of this story on their own posts about all this. But to only see this as gay lefties being the villains is being very parochial - as these two stories Ill post below attest. Out here where the story is taking place, this is overall a business story about a specific company with a specific employee culture and it was those employees who rose up to demand the board take action, not Andrews always perceived enemies on the gay left. People need to read more than his rants about this to get the fuller picture. He does not get to frame this story based on his own animus and personal history. But maybe that is now the media world we all live in - which is another story. But it is not the Mozilla one.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:27:38 +0000

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