Oh hello facebook! Long time no chat eh? :) Lots and lots has been - TopicsExpress


Oh hello facebook! Long time no chat eh? :) Lots and lots has been going on. Where did I leave off last? mmmmm.... So I posted before I left for India that I was attending acting school here. Well my classes have ended. It was an 18 week course from Kishore Namit Kapoor Acting Institute and boy was it brilliant! Theyve just started their 6 month program and I strongly urge everyone to take an interest (if youre interested bollywood). I had a blast. I met amazing new people and some whom Ill probable keep around for awhile. I felt like a little child running around the institute with my family guiding me. When I left for MIWW, Kishore Sir told me that he had no doubt I would return with the crown. And I did. God only knows what Ive done to deserve such love. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Next, Miss India Worldwide... So I still havent gone through all the messages but i know everyone asked basically the same thing. How does it feel? Well, it feels amazing. I never could have imagined that I would make it this far. And I think a lot of the credit goes to the people whove put so much effort into me. I want to start by thanking Ruchika Arora. Ruchika Didi, had you not supported me though my journey in Miss India New England back in 2012, I doubt I would have been anywhere. Thank you for seeing potential in me. Thank you for pushing me. Thank you for yelling at me. Thank you for making sure i put in the work that was needed. Thank you for keeping an eye on me at all times to make sure i didnt mess anything up. Thank you for being there through the last step. Second Id like to thank Ankeeta Saran, for being possibly the most awesome national director a girl could ask for. Thank you for calming me down when ever i got too excited and I thoroughly enjoyed sipping wine with you. Your belief in my potential carried me far. Thank you for your guidance, thank you for physically making sure you were there when ever i needed you. This would have been impossible without you. Next I HAVE to thank my AMAZING Dharmatma Uncle! Thank you for creating this amazing platform where girls like me can get noticed. Because of you and your organization i have the opportunity of a life time. Had it not been for Miss India USA Id still be sitting in Boston MA. Thank you for being a part of my life. Last but not least I want to thank Saatvik. Thank you for being by strongest supporter and loudest cheerleader. No matter what happens between us, always remember, Id be no where without you. Thank for stuffing my face during nationals whilst I was in hair and make up and running around making sure my parents had everything ready for me for internationals. Without your love everything would have fallen apart. So I assume everyone is curious as to whats next... Well Ill be auditioning for movies now. A few people know that Im working with Bling Global here in Mumbai so Im in good hands. However, I have always sailed on the winds brought forth from the blessings of my community, family and loved ones. More than ever, NOW I need your blessings and well wishes. Keep me in your prayers. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I hope from the bottom of my soul to share some very good news with you before the end of the year. But this will not be possible without YOU. So please everytime you pray say a little one for me! That being said, God has always sat very close. He seems to listen very intently to me. Even my mom made a comment when I saw her in Dubai Patha nai rabb tere naal keri gallon kush yah... and truth be told, I havent got a clue. But I believe in the power of faith. I have faith in him and his plan for me. If this is not the route he has in mind for me then so be it. But if it is, then let his will take over. That being said, I miss home. I miss Boston. But as Ive said before, Mumbai has embraced me with open arms. I have even learnt to love the monsoons. Theyre quite beautiful when your sitting in a cafe sipping a latte and memorizing lines, but God forbid if you have work to be done or traveling, then they can be quite annoying. But they bring about a heart warming breeze. I enjoy sitting by the window in the morning and just letting the breeze embrace me. I feel like my moms arms have grown in length to reach all the way from Boston to Mumbai. That thought leads me to think about Parents. You never really realize how important they are or how much they do until youre left to fend for yourself. I remember my mom would run around in circles to make sure I ate food on time. Now I run around in circles to figure out where to get food on time. But theres growth in this as well. Anyone who knows me well knows how dependent Ive been on my parents. My dad never let me out of his sight for more than a week. And now he has to go months without seeing me. And I have to go months before I can start acting like a little kid again. I never really realized what a child I was. Age... After all, its just a number isnt it? Ive come to realize that age has nothing to do with mental maturity. Only experiences do. That too only experiences in which there is inner growth. I think I have grown up more in the last 4 months of my life than i have in the past 25 years. Interesting eh..? That being said, Im 25 now.... Quarter of a century eh? I dont know whether to feel old or young. Im going to guess young since I have another 75 to go. I was sitting and wondering how my life has turned out. I never in a million years thought Id be living in India wearing an international crown at age 25. Nope. I thought Id be applying to grad school... yup. But i definitely like the version of my life that destiny has orchestrated.... Ill take it over my own plans anyday... yup. So that was a long tangent... Let me know if anyone reads the whole thing. Ill go back to my coffee and lines now. Ill hit you up the next time something cool happens. PS Dont forget the prayers
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:11:08 +0000

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