Oh look...the cut government spending austerity ideology is - TopicsExpress


Oh look...the cut government spending austerity ideology is proving once again to be a crock of shit dumped all over Europe. Theyre still stuck in Recession with unemployment higher than ours was at its worst. Thankfully we had President Obama & a Democratic led House & Senate that passed a stimulus, following the tried & true Keynsian principles of robust government spending to counteract a downturn, so that our unemployment is about half Europes right now. Imagine where we would be if the President hadnt been hampered from doing more by the austerity ideologues of the Republican Congress? Why, in the name of everything holy & unholy across the Universe, do people continue to mindlessly vote Republican (because sweeties, there is truly no other way to vote Republican)? Austerity benefits the only the wealthy - and then, only in the short term. From economic policy to social policy to foreign policy (which will probably go to absolute hell after Obama leaves office, knowing the mindset of the likely next occupant), the ideology of the Right is a failure - a proven failure. Evidence! Turn off the rightwing media, which is all about spin (I mean, look at it. Any Fox News story is roughly Heres what you THINK the facts are about situation X, but heres how you should REALLY think...no, not think...FEEL. Heres how some are saying you should FEEL about situation X: yada yada yada Obama evil yada yada American Exceptionalism! The greatest swindle was convincing enough of us that our own democratically elected government was bad & a hindrance. They took the electoral advantage they gained from duping enough of us that the most terrifying words are Im from the government and Im here to help...haw haw haw! & worked to make that con a reality (thanks gerrymandering & gridlock!). Even Im about ready to give up on the whole goddamn mess, especially after this President leaves. And you wonder why people might riot. In a functioning democracy with a complementary functioning economic system, people dont feel so powerless and instead feel like actual invested human beings. Hopefully enough of us turn on our critical thinking skills come November. If not...Revolution anyone?
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 14:49:41 +0000

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