Oh look,, two dangerous, evil, corrupt, sociopathic/psychopathic, - TopicsExpress


Oh look,, two dangerous, evil, corrupt, sociopathic/psychopathic, pathological lying, crooked, criminal, uber SELFISH and GREEDY for POWER, PHONY patriots, PHONY Republicans and PHONY raging HYPOCRITICAL Christian Right/Reich FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS erroneously called Republicans whose patriarch, the late Sen. Prescott Bush, the founding father of dangerous evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM was a NAZI SYMPATHIZER who traded with FASCIST HITLER along with those uber GREEDY FASCIST KOCH brothers whose granddaddy was a NAZI SYMPATHIZER as well...FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS ARE A SIGN OF THE DANGEROUS FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM that we were forewarned about by our very own Democratic party in the 1930s which is here, wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross Sinclair Lewis, 1935....even the top Dems in the 1930s called these Republicans, FASCISTS/AMERICAN FASCISTS....but not todays top Dems who havent even said one word about this dangerous, evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM and all the TREASON going on...no wonder Howard Dean just screamed RIGHTFULLY SO...WHERE THE HELL IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY after getting our asses handed to us this last election, the election we were so sure we would win in the corrupt FASCIST CONTROLLED Congress and Senate as well as the corrupt FASCIST TREASONOUS SCOTUS...they now have control of three branches of the government...one more to go, the executive branch and then they will own the government lock, stock and barrel! Which according to the late great FDR in essence is FASCISM!! Good going Dems...NOT!! Nothing like having your precious democracy/democratic republic and your precious rights and freedoms taken away from you....BEWARE OF GOOSE-STEPPERS as they goosestep around with their PHONY red and blue ties and little HYPOCRITICAL American flag pins, real WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, CONNING THE AMURIKKKAN SHEEPLE TO DEATH as well as killing our once upon a time great democratic republic and turning it into a FASCIST STATE! The dumbing and numbing down of FASCIST AMURIKKKA IS HERE!!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 02:18:25 +0000

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