Oh my... Finally been convinced to launch my own cooking blog. - TopicsExpress


Oh my... Finally been convinced to launch my own cooking blog. This will be a blog about going back to basics - yes even baking bread! To cut out all the fancy manshy stuff that tend to alienate people from trying that recipe, to simplify the complicated and sneak in all the healthy bits. Previously, when teaching cooking skills, Ive not only taught women, Ive taught men so brothers - you better take notes! And even though Im a Pakistani married to a Moroccan, doesnt mean my culinary adventures are limited to these two. My cooking is international, literally on a daily basis. One thing I do strongly believe in is cooking from scratch and with fresh ingredients. How fresher and organic can you get then sourcing ingredients from your own back garden! Anyways looking forward to sharing my recipes with you soon and inshaAllah hope youll join me on my culinary journey! Naomi-Louise and Elizabeth and others... JezakiAllahu khairan for the nudge ☺️
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 22:06:25 +0000

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