Oh my God...the S.O.B. AS TO BE EXPECTED, is now threatening to - TopicsExpress


Oh my God...the S.O.B. AS TO BE EXPECTED, is now threatening to veto the Bill that Americans may have their cancelled health insurance policies back again...he is NOT credible nor loyal to Americans BECAUSE SIMPLY PUT - THE MAN IS NOT AN AMERICAN....even the media see it .....He is like a devil with 9 lives....a horror...after peoples hopes were getting up....and Americans no longer trust, nor believe in him - it was said on NATIONAL NEWS.... a COLLAPSED second term....Obama has to pay and he will and GOD ONLY KNOWS if he will pay with his own life...he is pushing our country to beyond the limit....the man has no heart, no compassion, no sense of loyalty and could care less if everyone is against him.....even the media is now astonished.....I pray for his Impeachment A.S.A.P. or something else....REMEMBER BENGHAZI, and the other 4 scandals and now this healthcare backstabbing - Obama threatened he would veto this Bill if it came to his desk to sign it so that AMERICANS do not get their healthcare back and are FORCED to obtain OBAMACARE BY FORCE>>>ALLL FORCES AND THREATS ....with 5 serious scandals, Americans...he should be behind bars with all the destruction and division and pain he is deliberately causing...I hope someone NAILS him for good...or he gets impeached...he deserves to be dragged in blood through the streets like the 4 American patriots left to die were dragged in blood through Lybia, Benghazi...may God forgive me but do justice one way or another....try to have a good evening all..REGARDLESS.....this will all explode in 2014 ...it already is and people do not trust nor believe in him anymore ....COLLAPSED SECOND TERM PER ABC NEWS ANALYSI, GEORGE STEPHANOPOLUS.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 22:33:52 +0000

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