Oh my Jeni. We went from worst enemies in 7th grade to best - TopicsExpress


Oh my Jeni. We went from worst enemies in 7th grade to best friends in 8th. From that year on we were inseparable. Suffice it to say we did all the bad things teenagers do together. If I wanted to list all the memories it would take years. She was my partner in crime. So many times we had to pull over cause we were both laughing so hard neither could drive. Jenn was the girl who would always have your back and wasnt afraid of anything...and she took no shit from no one. I owe my blunt honesty to her, she taught me how to take no shit. In high school she was the mean girl you couldnt help but love. We lived together after high school, twice. If you saw me, you saw Jenn. We had our ups and downs like all friends do, but we made it 25 years as if we never missed a beat. She was there for the birth of my child, when others were not. We worked together, lived together, shared everything together. She truly was a friend worth having and I had hoped after the transplant Id have her forever. She lived and breathed for her little boy and I cant even wrap my head around her not being here to see him grow up into the sweet, smart, respectful man she was raising him to be. I keep sitting here talking to her, asking her what happened and why she left. Why was she ok when I talked to her the other day and full of life and laughter? Why did she leave us? We loved her so much. I want to tell myself that shes in no pain now, she doesnt have to take 36 pills a day anymore, and her soul is free but I know this was the last thing she wanted for that little boy and Im helpless to do anything about it except tell him what a wonderful person his mother was and how much she loved him to her last breath. RIP doesnt seem like enough. I love you Jennifer Ann. Youll always be my Jeni.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 01:52:03 +0000

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