Oh!!! my almighty God, please help us to defeat and remove all - TopicsExpress


Oh!!! my almighty God, please help us to defeat and remove all types of traitors and invaders away from us, Khmer people and out of Cambodia territory soon as You have done to Moses while liberating Israelis people from 400 years slavery from Egypt in BC 19th Century as we have seen in Ten Commandment story in your Old Testament book. Up to today we have no great leader yet, but the idiot, devil and betrayal, corrupted and crook leaders are driving us to the danger and ruin of motherland out of picture in to the of VN hand. Please give one great leader to us like Moses and free us from this kind of trap or hell. We believe noting is impossible to You, my Lord. Your comments are absolutely right, brother. Not only idiot king Sihanouk who is the traitor. He has left behind the social diseases and virus such as stupid dummy Sihanoukists, Khmer royalists, the trap with the installers, the confused and lost minded political party named CNRP and VN slaves CPP, his stupid son playing role as the decoy and his vampire wife as the bait of the trap to continue eliminating our Ankorian race, culture, custom, believe and finally finishing our motherland in Vn hand in very near future. Why all those types of people still close their eyes , ears and didnt use their brain to think over again to see what is right and what is wrong? Dont they have the Khmer heart, spirit and soul at all? I really do not understand, brother. Oh! God, please help them out of of this kind of long over due darkness otherwise we will be destroyed by our enemy. According to record file and worksheet tracks in the past 20 years and recent false elections we could see CNRP had done like a child play and made their own way quietly to share the power and interest with the one eye traitor and thieves. Therefore we shall not believe the sneaky and betrayal leaders who are willing to lead their party CNRP to chase traitor Hun Sen like all these smart group of water buffaloes chasing out the tiger Africa Safari . The direction and goal of these both leaders have been changed too often from time to time. How can we trust these kind of flip flop politic and strategy to remove the traitor and chase out the invader away from our country territory? Remember The stupid present king is being used as a bait of trap set up by VN and your party and leaders are supporting that stupid idiot king., So what do you mean by doing that? You see. We could not afford to keep making mistakes endlessly.. if you truly want to get free and release our homeland from the iron mouth of VN crocodile. Please think it over again and again if you would., dear friends. May God blessed you all and your motherland Your brother and friend from khmerlotusrevolution
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 06:51:57 +0000

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