Oh my goodness! Again while I / They never diagnose or - TopicsExpress


Oh my goodness! Again while I / They never diagnose or prescribe they often provide information and it is up to the client to either investigate and act upon it or not. Ok -- so this evening they recommended to my client to consider onion banana something. Ewwww gross right?!!! But I say what they tell me. So the client looks it up later and bless her heart - gets back to me with information about Onion Banana Juice!!!! Who knew such a thing existed? AND that is helps clear chakras!!! AND that there appear to be Onion Banana Juice Benefits and there are alternative medicine supplements and vitamins related to this! Uses vary, but apparently may include benefits such as detoxifying and boosting ones immune system, and is used for poor digestion, and fatigue. It was not revealed to me if the client suffers from any of the above (and I did not ask of course and its a clients choice what info to reveal in a (non-massage therapy) Energy Healing session -- but despite my having to state here that these statements above about the onion-banananess have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA -- this information is awesome! Since why would anyone on this side of the veil ever pair onions and bananas. Ewwww! And while I never reveal Energy Medicine client information out of professional courtesy and of course never a clients medical or private information in any context -- esp. where prohibited by law (as in Massage Therapy) -- I am grateful she (and perhaps other select clients) is/are kind enough to allow me to reveal such generalized information which cannot be identified with her / them -- so others can see how this neat stuff works. ❤ Of course my obligation as a professional I take seriously and would never violate ethics -- but a client of any kind is free to reveal anything about any session any time. It is their information to share -- or not. :)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 01:52:05 +0000

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