Oh snap..she said she lost 20lbs in 2 weeks! Cayenne Pepper Diet - TopicsExpress


Oh snap..she said she lost 20lbs in 2 weeks! Cayenne Pepper Diet Recipe – The cayenne pepper diet, also known as the lemonade detox diet and the lemon maple syrup diet, helps eliminate the toxins in our body, while improving the body’s overall energy levels. The acidity of the lemons supplements the diet’s overall cleansing effect. The cayenne pepper augments the overall body cleanse by promoting circulation and an increase in metabolism. The overall effect of the combination of cayenne and lemon is weight loss, together with a release of toxins from the body. The pepper is also a good source of it is also a rich source of vitamins B and C. Singer Beyonce praised the Cayenne Pepper diet as reportedly helping her lose twenty pounds in two weeks. “I lived on water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup for 14 days,” said Beyonce. The cayenne and pepper diet recipe is as follows: 10 oz of water 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 2 tablespoons of maple syrup 1/10 teaspoon of finely ground cayenne pepper. Combine the ingredients and drink at least 60 ounces of the lemonade drink a day, for up to ten days. For the best results, many diet enthusiasts recommend drinking 8 to 12 servings per day. Since this is a fasting diet, you should eat no other food for the duration of the diet. Many diet and fitness experts recommend the cayenne pepper or lemonade cleanse diet as an effective way to shed unwanted pounds and detoxify the body. The Lemonade 14-Day Weight Loss Diet Plan provides the elements of the lemonade-cayenne pepper diet in a convenient pill form. Here is an advertisement for their site:
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:11:22 +0000

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